1. Call to Oder
2. Minutes Approved.
3. Agenda Approved.
- A budget discussion to be on next week’s agenda.
4. Beer permit for The Bait Shop approved.
- Good for a year.
The Bait Shop is on the south side of the lake.
-- It’s a new place.
5. There is a new post remediation monitoring plan for the tank in downtown Sac City, Iowa.
Trileaf Post Remediation Monitoring Plan
(shaded area on page 2 is the paragraph in question)
- The supervisors received a bill from Tri-leaf for a $2,100 expenditure.
-- If the underground tank fund doesn’t pay for it than the county is responsible for paying for it.
- Hecht moves, Stock seconds tabling payment of the bill until they can talk to Tri-Leaf . All Ayes.
6. Sac County Supervisors Sign on to Sharepoint user agreement with Iowa Department of Health
Sharepoint User Memorandum of Understanding Between the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Sac County...
- Original memo of understanding was sign in July 2010.
- This allows forms to be submitted electronically.
- The new agreement just sets down on paper who has the authority to access the department of health information.
- Hecht Moves and Stock seconds authorizing approval of the document. All Ayes
7. Mellissa Daisy has completed her first six months as a case manager.
- Lisa Bethune, CPC has asked that she be given an increase.
- Supervisors take to action
8. Lisa Bethune, CPC wants Ladonna (the clerk) to begin being paid a salary instead of hourly to minimize the overtime.
- Case managers build up comp time instead of overtime, and she is asking that Ladonna be on the same system.
- Supervisors would like to discuss it with the payroll person in the auditor’s office before moving on that.
9. Upcoming CPC meetings scheduling.
- There will be a video on Obamacare.
10. Sharon Neeman is the Plymoth County CPC
- Cris is a reporting document for providers to document what their costs are to legitimize rates. Documents all costs of the services that they are providing
- Talks about the Western Iowa Consortium Group.
-- One time fee of $100 to join.
- John Winkleman (Sac City Howard Center) talks at length about the impact of this and other actions taken by the state and county have affected his organization.
- Supervisors take no action.
11. Citizen claims that bridge removal is causing field erosion.
12. County Crew Report
13. Projects update.
14. Engineer will not be at March 1 meeting
15.Secondary roads will convert to narrow band radio sometime in the summer of 2011.
- Bought 45 new radios.
16. Unease about use of bridge on an easement through private property discussed.
17. Adjournment.
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