1. WLVA Call to order.
2. WLVA approval of agenda.
3. Discussion about bills.
- Items highlighted singled out for discussion.
- So far, the two school, (WLVA and Sac) have gotten over $100K back from Microsoft.
4. Separate approval of bill to Albrecht oil.
5. Separate approval of bill to Lake View and Wall lake Lumber.
6. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes, Financial Reports, and main bills.
January 12, 2011 WLVA Minutes, Financial Report, And Bills
7. Sac call to order.
8. Approval of agenda.
9. Motion to move $80,000 from X to X passes.
- highlighted.
10. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes, Financial Reports, and bills.
January 12, 2011 Sac Minutes, Financial Report, And Bills
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