1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call.
3. Approval of agenda.
4. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting.
5. Approval of bills.
6. Sac County Sheriff’s Department and Odebolt City Council renew law enforcement protection contract with no changes.
7. Odebolt City Council takes the next step on lagoon project.
8. Region XII Housing Rehab program explained.
9. Sac County Supervisor Dean Stock clarifies recycling issue for Odebolt City Council.
10. Odebolt City Council feels rural school project is worth exploring. Will talk about it more in January, 2011.
11. Approval of permits.
12. Complaint file.
13. Nuisance abatement committee report.
14. City wide sidewalk review put off utiljanuary,2011.
15. Library report approved.
16. SARC Report put off until January, 2011.
17. Council decides to offer qualification targets to Sac County Sheriff’s Department.
18. Delinquent water bills.
19. Superintendent’s Report.
20. No committee reports.
21. Correspondence read.
22. Recommendation of thank you letter for Christmas party.
23. Report of Odebolt on TV connected to the story of the movie tax issue.
24. City Christmas meeting discussion.
25. Christmas Closings.
26. Adjournment.
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