At the September 27, 2010 city council meeting, the council did not take any steps towards stating the project due to questions they had about the need for the high end equipment the engineer was recommending. The sticking point was money. The well installed could cost as much as $300K, a pretty big bite for a city their size.
1. Wall Lake City Council out of compliance with Department of Natural Resources… this is routine.
2. Three options for bringing the equipment into code outlined.
- Financing for each option broken down to a per month, per user number.
3. Benefit of flow switches discussed.
4. The city will pay higher wages if State Revolving Fund money used.
- SRF vs. bonding interest rates touched on.
- Community Development Block Grant discussed as an alternative to SRF.
5. Project schedule discussed.
- Timing for test wells.
6. Overall future cost of skimping to save money right now discussed.
7. The cost of test wells will be on a per test well basis.
- Each well will cost X dollars until water of the proper water quality is found.
-- A typical test well based on past projects could cost $5,000.
- No problems in finding water are anticipated.
8. While the installed equipment can be under warrantee, the life of the well cannot.
9. What is a test well?
10. Options that the council previously indicated that it did not want discussed.
12. There’s no need to feel rushed, the city is not under a mandate from the DNR at this time.
13. Motion to set a public hearing to inform citizens of the city’s intent to apply for a CDBG grant made and seconded.
14. Morrow questions the reason why the city is paying for things that it can receive for “free” from Region XII Council of Governments. …wants a second opinion to give him a good feeling about spending 300K before committing.
15. Public hearing for CDBG set for October 25, 2010.
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