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This is going the WRONG direction. What message does it send to young families considering relocation when there is no decent sidewalks in town, and kids have to walk on the street to get anywhere. I used to live on Gishwiller, near the pool, and the combination of kids walking to the pool and cars speeding down the street is an absolute disaster waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Sac City. You're taking a step in the wrong direction. If we want to be a proactive community, we need to develop a multi-year program to repair, replace, and install NEW sidewalks, starting with the major roads and not stopping until there is safe off-street paths for walking all over town.
(And I am fully aware that sidewalk repair/replacement is the responsibility of the property owner. Zero cost to the city, and if you spread the program out over a few years - say 5 - that should be plenty of time for each property owner to budget the work or find assistance for the cost)
Sound like you need to head up a committee to get the ball rolling.....I think that is a great idea!!! Maybe Curtis could put that as a poll question and see how many people are in favor. Remember the cost comes totally out of the property owners pocket.
ReplyDelete...OR the city council could treat everybody equally and not make special exceptions for their friends.
ReplyDeleteAnyone remember that guy in 2008 with the sidewalk to nowhere that had to be replaced? Probably not...they count on you having a short memory so they can pull this kind of bullshit.
There is already a program in place for replacing sidewalks,it's codified and only lacks consistent judgement on the part of the city council. When the city council stops applying that law based on their personal whims it will work.
...In the meantime, what they hell right? 9th street is hardly used by cars. Let anyone walking to the golf course walk in the street.
BTW, Anonymous #2 is a city council member who is too much of a pussy to use his real name.
ReplyDeleteWhich Sac City Council person do you think is too cowardly to engage the public using his real name??
What the point us a law/program if it is not going to be enforced. Friend or family or stranger or rich or poor the same should apply.
ReplyDeleteBtw.... why didn't the counsel member use their name. At least its good they read this but come on.... seriously what are hiding from?
How do you know it's a council member? Are you the one bullshitting us Curt? Oh wait just a second, this news just in. When Curt had this site with a feature that made us reveal our name to comment, the comments section went to shit, now that anonymous comments are allowed again look at how many comments there are. Curt, maybe you shouldn't let anyone comment on here anymore, that would take myself and the others like me out of the equation, and then you could run wild with your conspiracy theories all by your damn self! Just saying......
ReplyDeleteThe middle school bullying issue comments were very emotionally draining things to have to moderate day in and day out. I'm not a hateful person, and I found that level of hatred overwhelming. When it ended I needed, and took a break until I felt ready to wade back in.
ReplyDeleteDuring that time period when I limited comments to registered users, (there is no need to use you're real name when registering, sorry that was too difficult for you to figure that out,) the website continued to grow thanks to the participation of people like yourself. Thank you.
Please continue to call me names or accuse me of being full of bullshit. I'm finding that TSN serves two functions.
1. It informs people that want to know what actually just happened in Sac City, (and county to a lesser extent.)
2. It provides a place for people who wish that they could continue to be in control of the information a place to lash out defensively.
I'm fully cognizant of the fact that it drives the old boys club crazy that they are no longer in control of their own message, and I post their spiteful comments as a sort of "primal scream therapy" service to help them cope with the emotional stress of having their crooked actions continually made public.
Both types of viewers will continue to have a wide open invitation on these pages.
There are no cars that travel on 9th street? HA! I live on Oak and 9th is one of the busiest next to Main, 16th, and Gishwiller!
ReplyDelete9th street is not only busy but cars also travel fast because there aren't any stop signs. Taking the sidewalk out is not smart. Plus with the hill it's hard to see little ones on bikes. :(
ReplyDeleteI think that was sarcasm....thinly veiled at that.