Wall Lake, Iowa September 13, 2010
Wall Lake council met in regular session at 7:00 pm in council chambers, presided by Mayor Steve Druivenga.
Councilmen present: John Morrow, Francis Riedell, R Boeckman and R Germann.
Councilman Absent: Daryl Potthoff
Visitors: Michelle Bahr, Mark Determann, Jason Rassel, Lindsay King, Jodi Grote, JR Lapel, Justin Vogel, and Curtis Bloess.
F Riedell moved to approve the agenda, seconded by R Boeckman. Ayes: All, motion carried
R Germann moved to approve the minutes of last meeting and the special meeting seconded by R Boeckman. Ayes: F Riedell, R Boeckman and R Germann. Nays: J Morrow, motion carried.
R Boeckman moved to accept the bills to be paid, seconded by F Riedell. Ayes: All, motion carried.
F Riedell moved to accept the clerk’s report with the correction of the distribution on insurance settlement for tractor to natural gas, electric, water and sewer, seconded by R Boeckman. Ayes: All, motion carried.
Justin Vogel presented on well project he informed the council that we are currently in the environmental review process with the DNR. He stated that the location for the new well will be just northwest of the swimming pool in the grassy area.
Justin presented the council with the Electrical Engineers Construction Cost Options. He presented a basic option that will cover the upgrades needed to meet DNR and NEC standards at the filter plant and well house, the second option had some additional special equipment that would improve the efficiency of our system but is not necessarily needed in order to operate but would make future upgrades easier.
Council suggested that Mark and Rick meet with Justin to go over the details of both options and bring recommendations back to the council Marlene will arrange this appointment. Justin did share with the council that the city has been approved for SRF loan which will cover 20% of meters and 20% of the labor to install. This would allow the city to replace water meters to all radio read meters.
Mark presented the council with the quotes from Wesco and Resco for the materials the city is required to purchase for the Twilight Acres electric upgrade project. Mark will check into being able to purchase from both companies. R Germann moved to purchase materials from Wesco and the 4/0 wire from Resco, seconded by R Boeckman. Ayes: R Germann, F Riedell and R Boeckman. Nays: J Morrow. Motion carried.
R Boeckman moved to set public hearing for bid letting on Oct. 5 @ 1:30pm and Oct. 11th @7:00pm for the bid awarding seconded by R Germann. Ayes: All, motion carried.
F Riedell moved to have Halloween on Oct 31st from 5-7pm, seconded by J Morrow. Ayes: All, motion carried.
Demolition of the bath house has been suspended due to lack of funding.
Four building permits were presented:
Chris Aschinger, dog kennel
Pat Jacobsen, new edition
Tom Bolan, new deck
Chris Grote, tear out and replace sidewalk plus an attached garage.
R Germann moved to pass P Jacobsen, T Bolan and C Grote’s permits and forward C Aschinger’s to Planning and Zoning Committee, seconded by F Riedell. Ayes: All, motion carried.
J Morrow brought the personnel issue to the table beginning his statement with I hold a seat on this council which I don’t want then he preceded in detail with a list of M Anderson’s shortcomings. Then he politely requested her resignation which she did not offer.
F Riedell moved to adjourn, seconded by J Morrow. Meeting adjourned.
Steve Druivenga, Mayor
Marlene Anderson
City Clerk/Administrator
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