August 31, 2010
Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Dean Stock, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to approve the agenda as posted. Ayes all, motion carried.
The Board reviewed a flood damage report on DD 73 submitted by drainage watchman Brian Blomme, which caused unstable conditions downstream from two private crossings on the open ditch. The large rain events occurred during the cleanout project and it was Mr. Blomme recommendation to place rip-rap to stabilize the banks.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to approve the recommendation to place approximately 100 tons of rip-rap below each of the private crossings for a total of approximately $8,500.00. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht to approve a contribution of $3,000.00 at the request of Region XII Council of Governments for local support to secure a grant from the Iowa Housing Trust Fund. Ayes all, motion carried. The grant being requested, approximately $248,934.00, would be used for a variety of housing needs activities throughout Audubon, Carroll, Crawford, Greene, Guthrie and Sac Counties.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews and the status of current maintenance and construction projects.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling Chairman
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