1. Call to Order.
- All board members present.
2. Approval of minutes of the July 27, 2010 meeting.
3. Agenda amended to include:
- Sheriff to speak.
4. Approval of amended agenda.
7. Law enforcement back-up generator at landfill blew up.
- $4,300.00 installed for generator.
-- Old unit could be overhauled and used at Sac County Ambulance to power doors and perhaps heat the office.
-- Supervisors vote to replace generator with the consideration that they intend to keep the old one.
8. Approval of payroll claims.
9. Approval of claims.
- Bill for Tarragon discussed.
- Bills discussed further during recess.
--Typically I record recess because the Supervisors continue to discuss business. Today was not one of those days, and thus the further discussion is not depicted in the video.
10. Sac County residents express concerns about set of bridges that have been recently reclassified as low tonnage.
- According to County engineer the bridges in question, which were reclassified in response to an inspection that was conducted summer in the summer of 2009, should have been reclassified as the result of a 1999 inspection.
11. N28 south of Lytton open.
12. Rock has been put on 230th street in the last couple of days leading up to the August 3, 2010 Sac County Supervisor meeting.
13.County Crew Report.
- The shoulder slid off of north 380th street.
14. Projects update.
- The original estimate on project FM-CO81(60) was 1.8 million, or about $420 more than the bid that got the award.
15. DOT planning on setting up detour around highway 39 on M35 and D59 on August 4, 2010
16. Highway 20 update.
17. Citizen curious about shared dust control bill.
18. Supervisors address Terracon claims issue with engineer.
19. Adjournment.
20. Further discussion about Terracon bill.
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