1. Library hopeful of getting a grant.
- Library has a lady in lake view that is lobbying for them at the bank at which her brother works, giving them what they perceive as an edge over other applicants.
- City administrator hopeful of getting a $75,000 grant.
2. $125,000 was budgeted for street work this year.
-Broken sections on Ash and 4th discussed.
- Rich Porter’s alley specifically mentioned.
- Should we save the money in case we want to address water pressure concerns on the West side of town?
- West side water pressure concerns continued.
3. Resident wants city to pay to maintain property they are using.
- No action taken.
- Proposed documents discussed follow:
4. Next meeting is set for Tuesday July 6, 2010.
5. League of Cities annual meeting in Iowa City.
6. Iowa learning farm discussed.
- Tom Duncan discussed this in depth at a Sac County Supervisors meeting. Click here to watch.
- 30 people showed up to discuss the Lake project on Saturday June 19.
7. New junk car on nuisance property noticed.
8. Adjournment.
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