1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approve agenda
4. Approve minutes of previous meeting
5. Approve bills
6. Lagoon updates & CDBG
7. Citizens to be heard
8. Permits:
- OCC-Beer Permit and Transfer for Creek Days
9. County Law Enforcement report
10. Permits:
- Fireworks for Creek Days
11. Building permits
12. Cigarette permit- Sparky's
13. Resolution #10.06 -Resolution providing for the reduction of interest rate for $688,000 Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1999
14. Park playground equipment update
15. Park playground equipment update (continued)
16. Mowing contract
17. Complaint file
18. Nuisance Abatement Committee report
- Nuisance Abatement Notices
19. Library Report
20. Delinquent water bills
21. Supt. of Utilities report
22. Supt. of Utilities report (continued)
23. Committee reports
24. Correspondence
25. Unfinished business
26. Meetings: Sac Co League-May 12th, Haye Loft in Wall Lake; NW IA League of Cities- May 20th
, Schleswig
27. Adjourn
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