The Odebolt Betterment Committee held their meeting May 11, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at City
Hall. Present were Kerry and Deb Reinhart, Elaine Rex, Joan Godbersen, Linda
Godbersen, Frieda Stehr, Howard Hustedt, Tammy Neuhrath, Madeline Meyer, and Mary
Jeanne Thompson. We welcome Tammy to our group.
Minutes of previous meeting were read. The bank balance at this time is $28,447.96 and
there is $300.00 in savings for upkeep at the triangle park.
Deb handed out a report of what is available in the Downtown Greenspace Project.
Howard gave a report on the progress of this project. He has talked to Greg Neville about
the concrete work and Greg will start on this as weather permits. He will work closely
with the Electric Co. and Mid American. Howard will talk with the American Legion on
what part of the flag poles they will be willing to pay. After much discussion on the clock
Kerry motioned to order the Centennial clock, Mary Jeanne seconded this motion. All
ayes no nays. Howard will order this as soon as possible. (It was ordered on April 15.
Joan sent off the order with check from the City from the Sac Co. Endowment
Foundation money.) There was discussion on benches and Linda made a motion to order
benches, table and trash can from Bohlmann Concrete in Denison, Tammy seconded. All
ayes no nays.
Kerry will order the 2 benches needed for the City Park at this time also. Kerry has the
lights for this project and will get the poles painted. Pioneer Seed will do the hauling for
the fill at this site with Greg on hand. It was discussed that we should have a ground
breaking ceremony. Will get an article with a list of donors to the Chronicle.
Kerry gave a report on the City park project. The landscaping has been done by Taylor
Bengford at the price of $855.00. The City of Odebolt paid $300.00 and OBC paid
$555.00. Joel and Pam Ahart have donated a picnic table to this project. Joel and Kerry
have placed this in the area. Kerry will order 2 benches. We are still trying to decide what
to put on the pedestal.
Frieda asked about the basketball hoops going up in the park. Elaine will check on this
and also check on the progress of the new playground equipment.
Kerry has mowed and Joel has sprayed at the Dierenfield property.
Kerry and Deb have dug up the 2 dead concolors at Lundell Plastic and moved 1.
Kerry, Deb and Linda have moved many of the plants from the Monument Circle and
will try to use them in other areas. Kerry will till this area when weather permits.
Deb has contacted the O-A Ministerial Assoc. asking if they would donate if the OBC
would landscape around the church sign west of town. At this time we have not heard
from them. Deb also contacted OA/BCIG asking if they would donate if the OBC would
landscape around the FFA sign west of town. Principal Pat Miller called and said they
would pay the bill for this project up to $300.00. Just send the bill to the school.
Madeline commented that she has talked to different contributors and they have stated
that they appreciate getting thank you’s for their contributions. It was suggested that we
get more publication to the Chronicle. Deb will try to get things in as we do projects.
It was decided that maybe we should have a booth set up during Creek Days.
Tammy and Deb will work on this.
Kerry will get a bid on what it would take to fix up the west shelter house at City Park.
This will probably be next year’s project.
Next month meeting will be June 8th at 6:00 at City Hall.
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