The bullying problem is bad in this town. Very bad. My youngest son was on the receiving end of this for a couple of years. Thankfully, it's better for him this year. My eldest son is a bully (believe me, we are working on this) and he and I recently were called in to the principal's office to discuss his behavior. Considering what he was accused of, he got off easy. The discipline guidelines for bullying and harassment need to be increased. If the tables were turned, and it was my child that these things were said to, I would be offended and deeply angry at the slight punishment given by the school. (I haven't yet decided the at home punishment, but it's coming.)
My son is emotionally crushed on a daily basis. It is very frusterating to me as a parent. Sad thing is that it is now affecting his grades. I think that the "punishment" for these kids for sure needs to be increased. I think it is a good thing that there are going to be changes next year, maybe the new people in positions (guidence/admin) will have enough balls to handle the problems at the schools.
The things I have heard from the kids themselves scare me. The bulling is extreme, and the bullies are getting a kinda of "high" from seeing kids hurt. If the school/parents want to really look at the bigger picture, we should also talk about the sex/sexual behavior happening in our middle school/and in some homes. It happens between classes, after school, and on weekends, it is happening right under the noses of parents and teachers alike. These kids are only 11-14 years old, and some of these kids (not all) are out of control! I am scared for these kids, what are we teaching them? Parents and schools need to band together to RAISE our kids morals, their respect for themselves, and their respect toward other students/community. Concerned.
I was just coming on here to comment about the sexual activity happening at the middle school. I see someone has already addressed it. It is out of control. I dont know what to do with my children in a few years. If the middle school is going to be a sex fest, like it is now, I will consider open enrolling to a school where it isnt so prevalant. I do understand some of it happens everywhere, but not like here. It is scary to listen to the kids at the middle school, as young as 10 years old, discussing what sexual behaviors they are a part of.
The bullying is out of control as well. When my daughter was in begindergarten in Sac she began starving herself from being called fat. She now weighs a huge 50 pounds when she should weigh the 65 or 70 that is an average weight for her age. We have been fighting her eating habits (or lack of) for years now. That is just one example. I know there is some name calling and what not going on that is ridiculus as well. I dont know about some other parents, but my kids get punished at home as well if they are disrepectful. It is uncalled for. Parents need to instill morals in their children. No one in this town is too "high and mighty" for anyone else. Some of these poor children watch their parents put themselves on pedestals and think they are too good for others as well.
I am a parent that currently open enrolls my firstborn, a daughter, to the Carroll Public Schools. She is currently in preschool and we transport her there and back every day. It's a commitment that we are willing to make since she goes only half days currently. When kindergarten starts, we won't have the ability to get her back to Sac County from Carroll in the middle of the afternoon. My husband and I have decided to send her to East Sac for kindergarten but from what I am reading I am VERY concerned. My daughter is an outgoing, loving little girl and makes friends easily where she is. Bullying already in BEGINDERGARTEN? Are you KIDDING ME? It is absolutely obvious based on what is being written here that children are being taught or are witnessing these behaviors at home or in an outside environment. At age 4, children SHOULD NOT have the concept that it is fun and a "high" to hurt others. I'm disgusted and will be rethinking my original decision to send my daughter to ESC.
I have also heard/talked with my son about the sexual activity going on in the middle school. Some of the things he tells that is going on, most adults wouldn't do!! WAKE up middle school, we have some serious problems!!! I really honestly don't remember things being this bad when I was in middle school.
We have considered open enrolling our children in a different school as well. If the problem does not improve, that is just what we will do! My kids do not need to be exposed to this amount of nasty and mean behavior!
As a parent of a middle schooler, I would like to add that the bullying is out of control. It has always been out of control in our school district. And I would know. It is just now, that since there is policy governing bullying in school, that we are actually discussing the situation. My own middle schooler has been bullied as well as the person doing the bullying. It just amazes me how a student can be friends with someone one day and then the next day they are a social pariah. I do not have the answers to why this is, but that is what is happening. I have tried to get my middle schooler to recognize when they are the person who bullies and how that makes the other person feels. Especially since maybe two weeks ago it was them. Many of these students think it is ok to call each other names and be very cruel, because they think they will not get into trouble. The punishment does need to be stronger and the students need to realize that they will receive the punishment.
I also have heard stories about the sexual activity that is going on at the middle school level. That saddens me. So, besides the bullying, the students at the middle school are also getting pressured about sex...yes this is going to cause some issues, like, mental health issues. Parents of middle schoolers monitor your children for signs of anxiety and to them about sex...and yes just talk to them about how their day was...just talk to your children.
I have 2 children that attend the middle school and to hear them come home and tell what is happening to some of the kids at school with bulleying is heartwrenching. I teach my kids to respect teachers and students. For the most part they do. For a example, My daughter has came home and stated several times how kids will bully a girl at lunch time with callingher names and no one sits with her. My daughter will leave her friends and will go sit with her at times and my daughter then will get the slack from her friends. My daughter is a caring person and hates to see others hurt.there is a big problem and I think that there should be more programs to teach these kids some respect on a weekely basis. Once a year is not enough for these middle school aged kids.
I hope the ESC school board reads these comments. In a ideal world parents would attend school board meetings and speak up about the middle school situation.
Parents that "tattle tale" at school board meetings (which is via you tube) may just be setting your own child up for teasing/ bullying in our own school system. Please take action and realize how bad it really is. I understand we as parents need to take action too, but maybe if the school starts the ball rolling everyone will join in, and we won't be anonymous any more!
This is not just in the middle school !!!!! I have 2 grandaughters in the elementary that come home almost everyday in tears because their day was so bad. These kids are so hateful. If you are friends with one you cannot be friends with another,or you lose your other friends but then the next week it's changed. They don't know from day to day what to expect. it just sickens me. That is Sac City, always has been and always will be !!!!!!
This is a social issue. There are no expectations in the home nor are there any consequences in the home if the kid gets in trouble. The parents probably did the same thing. The penalties must be too light for what is happening. It sounds like there needs to be some kids expelled for the year. They can then take the year over. If they do it again when they come back, they can take the year over again.
My grandchild just read the posts on here and laughed because they said, "If half of the people on here that post only knew what their child do. We have a teacher who watches porn on their PC." I myself have seen children from poor families, or who have parents who do drugs, or drink, come out of that homelife, go on to college, and really make something out of their lives. I have also seen children that come from so called stable well to do families that go to college for 6 years and have done nothing with their lives. I know this because both have happened in my own family. PRAY for them, LOVE them. Show them that you really care and then we might see a change for the better.
the 8th graders heading into high school. trust me they will change. some people are really judging them to much. Just get to know some of them and they are nice and funny children.
Ok I agree with alomst everything said about the bullying and sexual activity at ESMS, and as for the bullying it isnt just the students to other students i have heard of also a few teachers behaving in a manor that is not proper for a person in their position!!! This has to stop!!! And as for the parents of the kids that are out of control you need to buck up and take charge, I believe that is half the problem PARENTS NEED TO BE PARENTS!!!! East Sac we have a huge problem and we all need to work on fixing this!!!
whoever is commenting on this has apparently never been 13 years old before. this is life as a teenager..these kids are acting like babies and the adults are babying the ones they like and singling out the ones they don't..the problem is not the kids its the administration.
To the 'sex' thing, they are getting of age. you know most of you did the same stuff when you were that age. Come on people
You know everyone who's commented on here, I bet if these "8 graders" moved away, and took 12,000 dollars away from East Sac County, I’d say it’s still going to happen. No doubt in my mind, I've personally asked my son, and asked him if it's as bad as I hear at work, "No dad, if I had a definition for everything that happens in that school it would be, "BLOWN-OUT-OF-PORPORTION." He also claimed when he got into trouble for shoving someone in the hallway and having one* witness, who he later found out, was his best friend said my son did it.? What does that say about this system? He then received multiple* days of I.S.S. Speaking from my point of view here, if I was sentenced to"3 days of I.S.S." I'd be thinking in there, how on earth can I make he/she's life a living hell when I get out? It’s obviously not working? Where are the counselors for this? If all these parents’ poor baby children are being picked on? No help from them? I thought that was one of the reasons he/she was hired? Last year and this year when my son's "investigation was taking place" He missed a total of 3 periods of his* education/learning sessions, to in the end, be found guilty? Who's to say that’s publically correct? It's unbelievable what these kids go through everyday, Boy/Girl I’m not saying there’s not a problem. Do you have any idea what it's like being a parent of one of these kids that are so "Bad" and disrespectful? I've punished my son severely and he hasn’t received a referral since? Personally, if I was in present day school and I received a piece of paper that told me, "Was caught chewing gum in the middle of class" and this diss-obeys school policy? I'd think it would be a JOKE! I'm just curious but, so I’ve heard, when this incident about the 8th graders paying 6th graders to, from what I’ve heard, to urinate on a snow-mobile, don’t get me wrong, this is morally wrong, but seriously? Urine is sterile, plus the snow would’ve frozen and killed all the bacteria near it, was the engine broken? Did someone die? Hurt? Or was it another chance to get back at my child for bullying them recently? What happens when these bully-ed children are out of high school and there’s no teachers/admin to go and run too? Life's not fair. Plain and Simple, It’d be different if people were getting “knifed and shot and beat within an inch of their life?” Yes, that’s a different story, but name calling? Really? Grow up. When I was in high school, I had friends, I was around bullying, and did I agree with it no, did I NEVER say anything? Of course not, it’s middle school, probably the toughest part of your life... Why don’t you go fill out a harassment form… that will get you far in life…
As far as "scaring" these kids out of bullying...good luck. The only thing that is going to stop them is SERIOUS punishment. Yes, there was a student sent to Boys and Girls home in Denison because of disruptive behavior. There were also 4 8th grade students who were investigated and found GUILTY of harrassment. Their punishment was that they had to sit out one basketball game. My advise...every parent who has a child that is being bullied needs to gather as a group and demand that something be done. Why not? The parents of the bullies aren't afraid to stand up for their kids to get them out of trouble. The reason that the problem seems so much worse in the middle school and elementary is because these kids are still at the age where they will confide in their parents about what is happening to them. It really upsets me that we act as though there isn't any of this going on in our high school. I am a parent of high school children and I know for a fact that it happens there. Now,Let's all just quit pretending that we don't know who these kids are..they are the current 8th grade class. Do you actually think that we'll still be hearing about them when they're in high school next year? No, we won't because kids have stopped reporting what is happening to them..since nothing has been done to stop them by now, nobody is going to "stir" the pot and tell on them in high school.I have talked with several teachers, and believe me, their hands are tied. They do see it, and they do report it, but after that it's out of their hands. The school board asked how they could help...they could demand a list of these "repeat offenders" and drag them into a board meeting and tell them that they either get it together or get out. Don't give me the "we're a public school" line. We do have the right to expel students. We can either get rid of the 5-10 kids who are constantly harrassing others, or we can lose 25-50 kids to other districts because their kids are being harrassed!
You actually think the 8th graders will change when they get to high school? When they were in elementary, everyone said they'd change in Middle School!
I am positive that I dont remember having sex as a 10 year old or having friends that did either. I also dont remember any of my friends being scared of being pregnant at age 14 either. I went to Sac.
people are saying that these 8th graders will change going into high school. I am currently in high school at ESC and its bad here too. If the kids are already bullying and are sexually active, it will only get worse in high school. The upperclassmen are going to pressure them and drinking and drug use will come into effect.
its not anyones business about the sexual things. If they want to get into that. that is their own faults. I do agree the bullying thing has gone over the top. but the real question is..are they having classes about this? What are the staff doing about it??
I disagree that those children will change when they get to high school. I JUST graduated from ESC High School last year and I've seen the kind of bull that goes on in that school. If anything, it gets worse in high school, both with the bullying and the sex. You've got these kids in the high school who think they're all high and mighty because they don't get in any trouble because of their name. I've seen the unfairness that happens in that school firsthand. Punishments need to be controlled better and given out regularly, not just to the kids who aren't popular.
And as for the sex thing, it only gets worse in high school. I can't tell you how many times I was sitting in classes and heard "I got so drunk this weekend and slept with *****!" It's absolutely pathetic and it is a huge problem. People need to realize that middle school is not just a "phase" and that what kids do in middle school with keep with them for the rest of their lives.
"its not anyones business about the sexual things." FOR REAL?
I've seen naked pictures of 14 year old girls on people's phones that were being sent around. It obviously is other people's business if these pictures are being sent around the COMMUNITY!
Students harassing students? Try teachers. You all say the students need to stop. Well the influences around them are not helping. Teachers call kids names. They take sides if they like you or not, not by what the problem at hand is. The kids aren't stabbing people and killing people. None of you teachers would last in a big city school. Send me a piece of paper saying detention for chewing gum? HA! The teachers need to work at the problem also. So don't blame the 8th grade class. They are actually a good group of students if the teachers would have given them a chance. They judged them before they even knew them. That is what the high school teachers have already done.
These are some great comments. Half you people probably do not know the 8th grade class personally. Hm ive heard of teachers harassing students recently. Good influence ehh?
wow. Ganging up on the 8th grade why dont we?..Get real and get to know them. Everyone going off of what other people say?..You know all teenagers will be teenagers.
Yeah, people, seriously, if you don’t know these kids personally, why judge them? Your just as bad as the 8* grade class if your buying into the rumors that have made their name soo indescribably bad. Cute story here... A classmate of mine, recently we had to watch a video on the Holocaust and after the video he made the claim, "That video changed my life." What happened to him? A referral with a detention. Yeah maybe it did? We’ll never know now because I'm betting my shiny dollar that he has some Very good* (Sarcasm for the un-educated) feelings toward his Teacher now.
I have an eighth grade kid, and I would pay hard cash to get him away from the influence of some of these kids. So, I know the 8th graders personally. I also know, as a parent of a kid who recently got into some trouble with his language at school, that this is in no way "blown out of proportion!" And, why, doesn't the school have a zero tolerance policy yet on harassment? Some of these comments really chaps my hide! Have you seen the language these _children_ use on facebook? These kids say things I wouldn't say alone in my bedroom drunk.
Maybe this harassment would NOT be going on if the teachers actually tried to act like they care. They don't care. They just like punishing the kids they hate! They enjoy it! Teachers stand out in the hallways and gossip about the students after the bell has rang for class. That is a great influence on that 8th grade class that is claimed so bad! All of you people that believe everything you hear are just as bad then! That's a "mature" way of acting like an adult. Believing everything you hear. Which mostly happens to be false rumors.
You know them personally?! HA, try seeing a day through school through his eyes and see if hens getting bullied, and Oh yes they have a no tolerance act buddy, you call someone a name, they feel their getting harassed, they can march down to the office with a friend and fill out the form and that person is awarded the grand prize of I.S.S. The fact that you’re alone in your bedroom drunk is depressing enough. Perfect example, anonymous, why don’t you go tell on him? fill out a form? Go get your buddies, that’ll make you feel good, right? Then instead of having one person call you a name or make a comment, lets have his/her gang* after you, that’s a good call.
Facebook *is* out of school. And if there was a gang-rape out of school, I would still be upset. The point of that post is that these kids are bullying in school, and using horrific language out of school. These are not great character attributes.
"Some kids need to grow a pair. Ur fat. Wow that's something to get so upset about." Are you freaking kidding?
Let's continue to blame the parents and teachers (but especially not the kids) for their bullying and harassment, and if we are lucky maybe we too can end up on the national news like South Hadley, Mass, where a 15 year old girl committed suicide. She was literally bullied to death. (
Yeah, that’s different, telling someone to commit suicide? Are you kidding me? Wtf, you honestly believe someone in the right mind, is going to tell someone to commit suicide? Yeah, I’ve witnessed harassment, a few name callings here and there, but nothing like that, it would be different if there were knives and guns and stuff but seriously. Yeah, don’t blame the kids, they have more power essentially anyways, one persons words against another’s.
People take things too literally, and let things get to them too easily. The teachers could put a little more effort in. [LINE REMOVED]She picks and chooses sides by who she likes and dislikes. That's fair treatment. Maybe if they were treated fairly they wouldn't continue to act this way.
Ok, I have three in middle school, one of them is an 8th grader. Yes, some of them are doing these things, but if you teach your children right from wrong and they respect themselves, they are not going to. Not all of these kids are into this stuff. I think it depends on the group you are talking about. A lot of these kids are good kids. Yes, my younger two, who are also in middle school, have seen the bullying, but not one of my three are having sex or doing any of this. It starts at home, raise your kids right and we would not be having this conversation. If we lived in a big city it would be worse. Every community has bullying problems and kids having sex at a young age. On top of that, if you have the balls to comment, you should really add your name, you can run your mouth, but can't own up to it.
Anonymous said "Some kids need to grow a pair. Ur fat. Wow that's something to get so upset about. This staff and administration blows things out of proportion." and "It’d be different if people were getting “knifed and shot and beat within an inch of their life?” Yes, that’s a different story, but name calling? Really? Grow up."
-Here's a little jolt of reality. Columbine and most all of these other school shootings never "thought" they would have a student be pushed so far over the edge to commit a mass murder/suicide episode. Do you want to be a statistic? I'm not saying it's going to happen here but who's to say it won't? Everyone has a breaking point and I can guarantee no parent wants their child to be dead because a student, or group of students band together because they were pushed too far with bullying, name calling and/or being called FAT. I've witnessed kids calling other kids fat who are in NO WAY fat. So, to your above quoted comments, face reality. If this gets any more out of hand you could be mourning the loss of lives because it was "NO BIG DEAL" right?
Anonymous said "To the 'sex' thing, they are getting of age. you know most of you did the same stuff when you were that age. Come on people"
- Are you freaking kidding me? I'm only 30 but I'm pretty sure that in the middle school I had just stopped playing with barbies. (Probably more around 5th-6th grade). I'm also proud to say that I didn't know anyone in my middle school having sex. High school was different...and 3 of them ended up pregnant. Now these kids have cell phones which make "hooking up" even easier. They did or are currently wearing different colored bracelets to "ADVERTISE" what sex acts they have or are willing to perform. I'm an EMT and have witnessed this age of children going to Pharm Parties. Taking a handful of pills and chugging alcohol with them. Smart. For those of you who are saying this is no big deal...wake up from dreamworld. That's the problem here...people don't give enough shit about their kids or what's going on, so why should a bunch of PREPUBESENT kids right!? If this frame of mind keeps up by some and we don't come together to do something about it, some day we'll all look back on this blog and say...hmmmmm....shoulda probably done something more about that.
Just spoke to my 8th grader about these comments. His response, "I know, I know." How do you know? "The 8th grade has the most harassment cases in the state, high schoolers are afraid of us, and we've forced two teachers to retire." Whether the last two points are true, I don't know. But I'd be interested to know if this class really does have the most harassment cases filed in the state.
Inappropriate Facebook status updates and comments are not a school issue, but they do indicate a problem with our middle school students. These posts were made by kids in our middle school. Tell me, do really think there isn’t a bigger problem than we think?
Same to myself. I had just asked my 8th grader and her responce was being scared to go into high school. She has been hearing from the teachers everyone hates them. Most harrassment in the state?? Are you kidding me!?
Anonymous said... wow seriously? half of this shit is a lie. teachers make up rumors and make it worse. like [NAME REMOVED] made up the "8th grade gang" if you got to know them there not that bad. and [NAME REMOVED] talking shit about us? maybe we wouldnt sound half as bad if you would stop makeing up lies ya there is name calling but there is no need to have harrassment rite away. some people over react. By calling us the 8th grade gang your just making it worse for the people who arent at fault for anything of the harrassment stuff. You think were bad? look at all the teachers who have affairs and look up pron on a computer.. ya there is a problem here but your just blowing it a little out of proportion
How should the 8th grade class feel? Their teachers tell them they're going to get beat up in high school. Some teachers have even told them the high school teachers already dislike them.
alrighty you guys are not in the middle school so you guys dont no what goes on. some stuff that people get harassment for is stupid.(its not needed) and about the sex thing wow maybe 2 or 3 poeple have done it! NOT everyone has. get a grip people..this middle school isnt a sex fest! and yes there are a few people that like to go over board on the sexting but not everyone does it. why judge an entire middle school by the acts of 10 people? everyone makes the middle school sound bad..they talk bad about it but they dont no whats going on in it. some people yes do get bullied but doesnt that happen in every school? kids will be kids. and THERE is NO 8th grade gang. Some teacher is making up rumors about us and its gettin to be really old. the high school already hate us enough. people are just making it worse for us by making rumors. half the stuff people say arnt even true about us. WoW i cant beleive we even have to explain this stuff to people who blog on this.
coming from myself an 8th grade student. I dont really see all this bullying stuff goin on. Mostly its all just a joke. But honestly you people who are calling us a "sex fest". you dont even know what the heck your talking about. And you think commenting on this and making us sound like we are a bunch of little 2 year olds and that we are something to be scared off. yes, they are alot of different kind of clicks and pretty much everyone stays to where their friends are and stuff like that. But being told we are all hated and no one wants us to go to high schoool. but seriously if you dont even know anyone or half of the stuff that goes on in our school you have no right to blame us for things we did not even do. Hearing all these rumors just makes all you people believe everything that comes out of peoples mouth. we will change and make all you people proud. promise.
Yes us middle schoolers should cut down on bullying, but the high schoolers do it too. The elementary kids do it. You people are just focusing on the middle school. Look at the big picture. They aren't the only ones. [LINE REMOVED - POSSIBLE CRIMINAL ACCUSATION]. Why would they want to be nice and stop if the people who are trying to get them to stop tell everyone they hate the middle schoolers?! That's going to encourage them to stop! (sarcasm)
Okay, A teacher in our school system said that his/her co-workers were telling her to retire before we 8th graders got up to high school next year. Don't you think that's a little extreme? yeah some people have had sex and yeah some people sext, but they majority (HUGE majority) of my classmates i know are still virgins, and some of my classmates havent kissed a guy or girl let alone had sex. Why judge some 80 students by the choices of 10 or so students? You guys dont go to our school. You guys dont go to class with us. You guys dont walk and talk in the halls with us, so who are you to judge? High schoolers, i hear, dont like us. This is because a whole lot of people make up rumors or lie or make a bigger deal out of something that really isnt that big. So, people try and get it out of all your heads that we are this bully filled, sex driven group of 13 and 14 and some 15 year olds. Get a grip on life people. You dont know us like WE know us.
Well first of all, this story is BASED on the middle school as it is the MIDDLE SCHOOL REPORT. So that's why most are focusing on the middle school.
And "somethimes you should just let things go....really!." HONESTLY??? It's hard for people to just let things go when parents are seeing their children coming home distraught because of this kind of bullshit. I've seen my little brother come home crying because people are picking on him calling him fat and stupid. It's absolutely ridiculous. I've seen him crying because he doesn't want to go to school because of everyone picking on him. It's heartbreaking. And you people saying that others should just get over it are the ones who probably were the bullies and don't give a rats ass about anyone but yourself and your children. PATHETIC. Think of other people rather than just having your head stuck where the sun don't shine.
How many people commenting went to Sac High School back in the days of teachers grabbing kids from their desks, taking them to the hall and slamming them into lockers when they made nasty comments or verbally attacked another student? There weren't parents in the office complaing about that because they expected their kids to behave! Did anyone blame [NAME REMOVED] or [NAME REMOVED] for starting rumors or taking sides? Did they want them fired for "telling it like it is"? Did your parents blame THEM when YOU got into trouble? Now parents are blaming the teachers for a detention...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What are teachers supposed to do? Give them a hug and ask them not to do it again? If my kid made a comment after watching the suffering of millions of human beings, a referral and detention wouldn't come close to the discipline he deserved! This is all so unbelievable..I can't believe this. We need to go back to the good ol days where if you get in trouble at's DOUBLE at home. Do doctors save every life? Do lawyers win every case? Do we honestly expect teachers to "fix" every problem?
To the anonymous that posted right above me. I went to school in those days, and as satisfying as it was to watch them get slammed around in the hall, it did not stop them from bullyingg people. Just saying...
I have a 8th grader and I myself think that the bullying is bad but I also feel that the 8th grade class as a group shouldn't be judge. If you have 5 or 6 kids doing all this it isn't fair to judge them all with that being said I want to comment of those that say it is the teachers fault, please! With all the new laws and students knowing how easy it is to file a harassment charge against a teacher what do you want from them? The teachers are there to teach, not be a babysitter, they are told as teachers if a student acts up they are to write a referral which may include detention. They are not allowed to yell, call name, touch them in a harsh way or they as teachers will be in trouble. Every student knows they have the upper hand as parents we should be backing our teachers up, instead of being parents that say 'oh not my child' or they are just being picked on we need to be better parents and take control of our kids. A comment was made about how no one is being hurt, stabbed or beaten with in a inch of there life....seriously do we want to wait until that happens, I sure don't. I to have asked my 8th grader what they think of all this, he said kids need to suck it up and deal with it, do I agree with that...NO! I am all for kids being kids but there has to be a line they don't cross. As far as the teachers being a bad influence, come on really? So they stand in the hall and talk, tell me what work place doesn't have some of that going on. I don't believe they are picking on these kids, I don't believe they are in the wrong, I believe they are doing the best they can with what they have, with out the help of parents you can only do so much. I don't think they are a bad bunch of kids I think they know just what they can get by with.
My family is moving to Sac City. I am VERY CONCERNED after reading the above comments. We have a middle-schooler. Believe me, it ISN'T that bad everywhere. Sounds like you have a real mess. My husband and I love the area, and, academically, ESC does pretty well. We are going to have a long talk about where we should send our son to school, now. This has created a huge amount of doubt in our minds.
Are there not any "behavior" rules & polices in any of the ESCS Handbooks? What good is it to have parents & students attend open house & sign waviers stating that "they have read & understand" the "rules & policies"? Does this mean that in the middle school passing out reward tickets & winning cookie treats has failed? NO surprise !!! Looks like having district rules, each building & classroom having rules, is a joke. There is NO RESPECT for the faculity, when students know that they can have their parents call & have faculity held accountable for expecting students to follow classroom rules. Remember, time that is wasted on student behavior is taken from students who want to learn. Enough !!!! There IS a problem here when a student's clothing during PE class is put is a toliet & then a group of certain students urinate on them. WAKE UP !!! This is long overdue to be corrected. Yes, students ar to be educated, not only by books, but with the facts of making good choices, if not, then dealing with the consequence, another form of learning. If parents are not teaching these life skills, the school must to ensure the safety & well-being of every student that is sent to ESC to receive an education. Maybe the teachers need to be in their rooms when the bell rings, not standing out in the hall like they do. Teachers may find that alot of issues could be avoided by being proactive & taking charge.
as an 8th grader, the only reason people even bully is to defend themselves from getting made fun of. i have experienced it myself. people believe stupid rumors all the time that are not even true. i dont even see why it matters to other people when people do stuff and get into peoples lives and make it a living hell for them. it doesnt even matter it is there chose what they do!!It is not the whole 8th grade harassing people it is a certain group of people that think it is funny when they get in trouble because the teachers do absolutley nothing about it. teachers are going to the high school and telling the kids there that we are bad and we have a gang because we all decided to wear black on the same day for a basketball game WOW!! REALLY?? people just need to stop with all the rumors and grow up!! it is getting really annoying!!!
To the student who says "half the stuff people say arnt even true about us", does that mean half the stuff they say IS true? Half is still too much. Someday, you may have a child who experiences the receiving end of this kind of behavior. Then you'll understand. If only you could see it now.
Ok. So it's out there that there's a problem. It's been explicitly detailed above. Let's stop talking and finger-pointing and start doing. It's going to take ALL OF US as communities to address these issues and to make a difference. Students to stand up and band together and say it's not going to be excepted from their peers, teachers to be vigilant about the behavior of all students and follow the policies set for bullying behavior, administration/counselors to administer fair but consistent consequences, our School Board to support possible harsher punishment for offenders, parents that work with the schools to change or improve their child's behavior at home, local law enforcement, county mental health counselors, local health care.... ALL OF US! Expecting only the school to fix this problem is not reasonable and with summer fast approaching, our children will be "on the loose" soon with even less adult supervision for these behaviors to continue.
Comment to Anonymous right above me. I AGREE. From every rumor stems some sort of basic simple truth. Everything been said above, being it truth or blow up half truths, now we as parents, communitys and schools controls what will happen in the future. We have some great kids in our schools and some great communities who love and support them. Lets do what is best for everyone and address this issue head on together. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Sit back and watch, or make us a greater school? Don't assume it is not your problem. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, WE ARE ESCO! Let fix this and fix it right as a community!!!!
You cannot fix this problem immediately. No one can control who has sex and when. Sexual behavior and attitude are concepts that only the person who controls them can change and trying to initiate anything on this is a big mistake. The bullying problem is A HUGE PROBLEM, and it must be taken care of. This is what is being discussed here. Not the weird acts of those middle school children. And ultimately, the blame for all of these acts resides in the parents because they are the ones who are supposed to control their children. Parents who aren't doing their job end up creating horrible chidren who do anything and try to get away with everything. If you want to change the system, start with the people who hold the most responsibility instead of going after bratty kids who will not listen.
First I have to say being allowed to post anything anonymous is crazy, to me it says you don't really believe in your statement being made and if you think about it it shows how easy it is as adults to hide behind something....what is that telling out youth? I read statement after statement blaming and pointing the finger at everyone else but not to many people are saying the truth, these kids and the parents are to blame. We have people saying on here they are thinking twice about putting their children in out schools, that is sad! People say the teachers should be in the rooms when the bell rings instead of in the hall talking, Why because instead of mature teenagers they are dealing with 4 year olds! At 14-15 years old these kids should be able to walk into a classroom and behave. Alot of fingers are being pointed at the teachers, a thought comes to mind....if you had to deal with kids acting out, being rude and thinking they can do what they want when they want 180 some days out of the year and had no help from parents how would you be, sick of it, at the end of your rope?? Woudn't you feel at some point why bother a student gets in trouble and mommy or daddy will get them out of it. My son got a referral for chewing gum, or atleast that is what he thinks, yet it clearly stated that the teacher said if I see anyone chewing gum again I am going to write a referral, so as a parent I don't see oh he is being picked on or jeesh it's just chewing gum, I see it as he out right disrespected and disobeyed his teacher and that is why he got the referral plain and simple. Was there a consequence for this at home, you bet there was! It isn't kids just being kids anymore, they are crossing lines that should never be allowed to cross, when I read kids are peeing on other kids things in what world is that ok and why do these kids think they can do this and that it is funny! And again it is the teachers fault because no one was in there to watch them, please! As a teacher I wouldn't do or say anything cuz if you think about it all it will do in the end is get them a butt chewing from a parent that doesn't like what their child is being accused of doing. Wake up people start holding the kids that are doing this resposible for there own actions because for every finger you point at someone else you have 3 pointing back at yourself!
Stephanie, You typically write in with what I consider to be the most reasoned and well thought out comments of all the regular commenters at this website, and I agree with your point of view in many cases. So keep that in mind when I take issue with you about anonymous comments.
Stephanie, your name may as well be, "Mike" or "Jan" or "Jeb" for all anyone knows.
I appreciate the fact that many people, including me, probably do know who "Stephanie" is, but until you send all of your comments in via a certified email account that I know the person named "Stephanie" is the owner of, and allow everyone reading to see your first and last name, (which I will not allow unless the person claiming to have that name proves it to me or sets up their own blogspot account for the purpose of leaving comments,)you may as well choose anonymous in the drop down comment menu...
Ok, enough with the comments!! All this complaining on the comments are not going to help the problems.So is anyone going to step up and do something about it. I doubt it! It will be the same issues for years to come. Even if you take this to the school board with all the comments, do you really think something will get done. I doubt it, we will just keep commenting on here as problems will still occur. We are all talk and nothing happens!! The school year is almost done, and people WHO want to help solve the bullying, will forget about it!! Tell me I'm wrong!! I guess we will see at the beginning of the new school year huh!!
Maybe if you people really have something to say bad about our class and saying were a "sex fest" you should post your names. Not anonymous. If you have something to say then say it. If you want to complain about the bullying then y u doing it on a sac news blog? we have been called gay by teachers. They tell high school teachers were a gang and were really bad! wheres the highschool and elementary fit into this? Have they never done a single thing wrong? the "group", clearly stated by many, is getting judged by a couple of harassments. big deal, the kids who filed it made fun of us too. But instead of being little girls and telling like they did we made fun of them back. If you aren't in the school then you don't know what goes on. There's nine months in a school year weve had a couple of harassments. do the math. one every four and a half months? big deal people that believe everything u hear r just as bad as the "group"..and then putting anonymous just makes it look like you don't believe in what ur saying
I am the parent of 2 Middle School students and I think we need to focus a little more attention on the children who are behaving in a manner that we can be proud of. We have MANY outstanding students in the Middle School and at ESC. Has anyone thought that maybe we should encourage these children and pay some attention to them also? This whole blog has focused on the negative and I understand that there is a problem that needs to be dealt with but really, we need to turn this around starting right here. Have you seen a child that you are proud of lately? I bet you have. In church, at the grocery store, playing outside, and yes, even at school. What did they do that made you proud? Even the little things need to get noticed. Right now, these "bullies" are getting exactly what they want and more than likely need - attention. Obviously they are doing these things because they lack positive attention. This is where it needs to start. Post something that a child has done that impressed you in the last week.
Wow...alot being said about this HORRIBLE 8th grade class. It was referenced how easy it is to file a harassment charge. Yes it is. Get one buddy to say "so and so" called me (Fill in your own comment) and the accused will be found guilty of harassment because he can't defend himself/herself or if he/she does they are told they aren't a "Credible Witness". Others referenced respect of others and teachers. The problem is most teachers and administration DO NOT RESPECT the students, only the few "pets" they have. Guess what? These 8th graders are a smart bunch of kids, they see what is going on. Do you really think they are going to show respect when they aren't being respected? Teachers have made comments to this 8th grade class to the effect of "Wait until you get in high school, you'll get taken care of." That is really professional of you...and you know who you are.(And there is more than one of you!!!) Shame, shame. Respect? I find it with great relief the school year is winding down and these 8th graders will be in high school. The only problem with that is most of our current pool of Middle School Teachers have opened their mouths and trashed this class to the high school teachers.It is great to have a place where I can anonymously post a comment like this, since I own my own business in Lakeview and don't want to be punished for my point of view. And to those concerned about enrolling their chldren in ESC, things aren't that bad, new administration, new views.
Hey person who made the comment about the snowmobiles. It's sick. There was a frost all over the snowmobiles. Yes. I was there. These kids didn't do diddily squat to the kids that performed this sick task. They did it cause they thought it was humorous. If an adult made that comment you are cleary a parent of them possibly? Your children arn't perfect. I've bullied a little myself like everyone else in this world but not even close to the extreme of these inmature 8th graders.
As a teacher in the district, it is hard to read some of these comments.
First of all I would like to say that our students are not having sex between class periods or at school. I believe we would be able to identify that in the hallways if we see it.
Secondly, if your children are having sex at any age, it is YOUR job as a parent to know what your kids are doing and who they are hanging out with when not in school. That is YOUR job, not ours. Our job is to educated your children so they can be successful, productive citizens. We need your help and support, so please step up to the plate and be parents. Stop the sex talk, it's not a school issue.
Our MS needs an effective policy for discipline and then an administrator to carry out the policy. What we are doing doesn't work. It makes it hard to teach and I would imaging hard for the kids not causing trouble to attend school. Kids that used to like school now don't and that is sad. Teachers that like to teach, now don't and that is sad too. We need to turn this building around!
What would happen if we attend a school board meeting and report the teacher that watches [LINE REMOVED], and the one student that we know of that causes the most trouble in class [LINE REMOVED]? Would anyone listen? Will it make it so difficult for our child that they won't be able to go to school anymore? Maybe this is why things are not brought up. Maybe camera's should be put up in every classroom and the halls. Maybe then everyone would know what is really happening.
I went to high school in sac city and graduated a ... I went to high school in sac city and graduated a few years ago, and was one of the kids bullied. I know what they go through. I did think of suiside, or ways to get revenge and believe me when I say calling some one fat or a fag or what ever, over and over and over again does have an effect on you the rest of your life. And don't say grow up cuz unless you are in their shoes you have no idea what that kid is going through. It does happen every where and at all ages. Trust me I know. The teachers do play a part in it but they can't be everywhere at once. They aren't standing in the bathroom between classes when a kid punches you in the arm so hard you think its broke. Or in the locker room when you are the first one in there so you can be first out so you don't get beat up. Or avoid all social activities just so no one can hurt you. Do don't tell me to grow up or that I'm bein a baby. Do you like physical pain every time someone isn't looking?? And just to let you parents know... just because your son/daughter is a 4.0, on every team that they can be on, and have a name and money doesn't mean that they arent the me I know..Parents need to open their eyes!!! Your child may not be mr/ms perfect!!! Teachers WAKE UP quit with the favorism!! Just cuz they are great at basketball or football doesn't mean they should be treated any different...but they are!! And IF a child comes up to you and says they are being bullied..believe them its a cry for help. If any sees or hears of any kind of abuse I should hope to god they do something about it, if not it is just as bad as you beating that child your self, or eating the food someone spit in, or cleaning the feces out of your locker, or having the birthday money your grandma gave you stolen! Come on People have a heart!! WAKE UP!!
Here is a thought maybe its time to repeal child labor laws if they are not wanting to learn and being a burden on the tax payer. They can start supporting their existance. Education is not a right, nor should tax payers invest in a losing situation. Sounds to me like PARENTS need to handle their obligations as a parent not horse around and dump their offspring on the system. These kids think the are entitled to everything and responsible for nothing. Wow we as a society have failed.
These kids are going to be very successful in life. They are very smart and very good at sports. You really think these comments make them happy? Well no, but people should be focused on some of the things that they do. They represent our school very well in sports. and if your going to say something mean about them and call them pathedic?..would you put your name??
wow. everyone that comments on here should use there name. if ur o scared to use ur name then dont comment on this! everyone needs to shut up bout the middle school u guys arnt there? are u? and the whole peeing on the clothes in the toilet well all i got to say yes i was mean but the kids who get bullied dont really care. they put it on them selfs! we have a few kids in that dont take showers come on how hard is it to take 15 minutes out of ur life so u can smell good?! everyone should shower. it NOT THAT HARD!!!! im not going to say that im not a bully cause i have bullied a few kids but i mean who hasnt? even the kids that get bullied bully kids!!!... STOP judging the 8th grade class. if u guys had a life u would stop talking bout ours! thanks fer ur time:)
Let's eliminate middle school and just send children to high school after 4th grade. That seems like it would eliminate the idea of "nasty middle schoolers"
Some of the posters on here should learn to spell and how to use correct grammar...then perhaps they wouldn't have time to bully anyone. That being said, NO I don't remember doing these things when I was in middle school, and I hate to think that this is acceptable behavior now.
Reading these comments really makes think back when I went to school here from elementary thru high school and was bullyed and harrassed. It didn't get done to me as badly then as now a days but I had names thrown at me that were very hurtful, had nasty notes put into my locker and had rotten food put into my locker I tried suicide or thought about it many times. "NO one cared about me so why live" is what went thru my brain. I had a child in the school system and took my child out because my child was getting it done 3-4 times worse. When I open enrolled my child into another school district my child had more friends in one day than 4 or more years at sac. I would love to tell you which middle school kids they were that did the bullying but I won't. It is sad when these kids and not all only about a handful are getting away with this kind of treatment to other kids. One comment that was made in an earlier comment was to expel them maybe if that was to happen and the parents were there to see it happen eyes would be opened. Anyway something needs to be done or someone will get hurt or even killed.
Like it was stated earlier, you can post all you want, but that doesn't make it go away. No, I dod not personally now the 8th grade call, but I do have kids in middle school and would not stand for them acting that way. Does it matter if you now them?! I know that rumors can go around, but if even half the stuff that gets said is true, that is to much. As for the school solving the problem, until we, as parents stand up and stand behind them instead of "buying" your kids way out of trouble, there isnot a thing they can do. I would really like to see law enforcement get involved. If your kids miss to much school, as a parent you can be held accountable, why not for harrassment and bulling as well.
If the 8 graders actually think the high schoolers are afraid of them, well we will just show how "afraid" we really are next year, we KNOW what they do some have lived through it, but no i dont blame the kids, or the teachers, i blame THE PARENTS, you think your kids are "angels", they are probably tormenting somebody right now, and the "ur fat whats so bad about that" it might not be bad if it is said once but when a person hears it everyday of the ENTIRE school year, it is bad, not to mention i have seen and heard them do WAY worst. the teachers are trying and i think they are doing a good job, but you parents, huh if "parents" were a career you would be FIRED. they will never change, they are not good, and they will with out a doubt go to jail, get into drugs and go no where if they havent already, or end up getting getting shot by some kid they bullied and yes i have heard a 8 grade bully say "you life isnt worth our time". For the administration my advice: take away sports it is the ONLY thing they have besides bullying.
oh my god it is not just middle schoolers.. it is NOT JUST THE 8TH GRADE it is every where in the united states ppl you really need to open your eyes and look. it happens in cities, town everywhere you can't control it there will always be a bully around you. I bet over half the people that comment use to bully someone, If you make fun of someone ever and you say that is not bulling... well IT IS so it is not just our middle school and you cant go around blamming people... think about it!
WOW well everybody has made fun of someone in there lifes.... so dont go blamming the middle schoolers... mainly the 8th graders.... I bet alot of the people that have commented on this have bullied someone or have made fun of someone... and if so don't ypu think this is how the people you made fun of when you were younger felt.... this goes on EVERYWHERE not just the middle school. it happens in AMERICA!! so dont say it is just the middle school and seiously don't blame it on certain people
To the Lake View business owner who believes the problem is teachers not showing the MS students must be joking. The CHILDREN are there to learn and respect authority. It is parents with this perspective that are not helping to solve the problems. You are correct though, these MS students are smart alright! They know exactly how to work a school system that has been hamstrung and unable to give the punishments that are deserved by these unruly kids. As someone who has to employ and manage people, it concerns me that these children are going to be out looking for jobs someday soon and it will then be their employer's problem to try to deal with these attitude issues. I won't give them referrals or listen to their parents whine, they simply won't be employable.
Its been almost 40 years since I have graduated, and things are still the same. I think I was born fat, made fun of all through school, if you don't believe it you should read my yearbooks. Even to this day I am made fun of for being over weight mostly by other adults. It is ok I have gotten used to it over the years and have learned to turn the other cheek. You see in school you have the preps or jocks, stoners, geeks, or nobody's. I always considered myself a nobody. But after you graduate you realize their is no difference. You still have those that make fun of everyone. Ask yourself this question. Have you ever looked at someone and said something about them being over weight, orrr if they have a big nose, bad complexion, nice hair, bad hair, no hair even if its a lose because of cancer treatments. Someone that is to skinny? Is there such a thing???? How about someone who is missing a limb, having a big butt, walks crippled, can't read or write, someone with a low IQ, poor??? This list could go on and on. But guess what? God loves us all no matter how we look, or how smart we are. So the next time you look at someone and want to say something about them, take a minute and THINK! What if that was me? What if it was my child, or grandchild, or my best friend. Maybe your mouth will stay shut. It is not just the 8th grade people. It is everyone! Let us all set an example to our children and to others and just maybe our school and our community will change for the better.
I agree bullying is a problem at all levels in school and that parents need to take a more active role with their kids to prevent this. I also believe some parents are nieve while others want to take no active role in preventing their child from bullying. Middle school is hard for teenagers. They want to be accepted and many kids will follow a bully to prevent themselves from being bullied. I do believe the teachers and administration must take an active role to prevent bullying. Most teachers and the administration know who the bullys are, but churn the other cheek. Maybe we need every kid in school to participate in a bullying survey and to narrow down the "Bad Apples". It is a way to confirm suspicion. The administration then needs to follow up with the "Bad Apple" list and confront parents and kids to explain this is NOT acceptable and explain the concequences. NO kid should be bullied. NO kid should live in fear. NO kid should be depressed. The percussions of being bullied affect many the rest of his life. BULLYING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!
The funny thing is the 8th graders didn't urinate on your little snowmobiles. The person who supposedly payed younger kids to do it doesn't even hang out with the group of kids who is getting blamed for all the harassment!
Isn't the real issue how are we going to address the problem not argue about faults? Parents are not going to change cause they have no reason to or have nothing to lose. If their kids are doing it now do they really care? They have let it go so far. To all those defending the act with "we all have done it" maybe so but looking back do we regret it you bet your a** we do. To the middle schooler's doing and complaining we are upset: this is a time to shut it. You need the attitude adjustment. So i challenge those who are here to start using this as a tool to create solutions. Less bitch more action.
there was kids that did urinate on the snowmobiles though. I went and saw the snowmobile and there was dry urine all over it. and it is still very wrong for them to be vandalizing other people property.
Is there a problem with bullying in the schools? YES! Are the only ones doing the bullying athletes? NO! Most everyone's comments like to mention taking away sports from these kids. Okay. Assumptions are being made to this regard and they are wrong. OTHERS are involved with bullying, plain and simple. Children out for band, choir and any other activity are also involved, so let's not just single out and punish the athletes. The problem is alot of parents have taught their children not to be narcs, so if something is said to them, they just let it roll off their shoulders and don't go running to file harassment charges. Maybe it's shame on them. Who knows? Other parents have said "If something is said to you, go tell the principal." Is this always the correct way to deal with a situation? Who knows? To all those condemming the 8th grade class, Jesus has taught us, "Those without sin can cast the first stone." You must have one helluva rockpile.
Excuse me people. After reading the supposed 8th grade comments, I gotta confirm my belief that the 8th graders are stuck up runts. I never usually say that, but it is okay to apply here. To the people who said everyone bullies, I say that I have never bullied. I treat everyone equally and feel no need to degrade people except for this comment. You cannot treat people differently or attempt to ruin their lives because of who they are. They may bring it on, but you can take the high road and tell them to act normal instead of tormenting them into it. This is going to cause several problems down the line. Just look at half the people in Sac. Its because of the 8th grader's attitude that therapy is necessary in life. I am not saying that you kids are a sex fest, I am saying that your behavior is unaccepatable and will not be tolerated in high school. I will not be here next year, but there are several others who will be, and all of these people feel the same way. These people will not use words and will resort to actions and will put you kids in your place. Your high and mighty attitudes will be brought down to Earth. My point is that the middle schoolers are not better than anyone else, so they should not act as such.
The group of 8th graders who everyone is refering to have earned their reputation and at some point need to be held accountable along with their parents. Since they (at least 4 of them) have been found guilty for harrassment by the court of law I do not think the excuse the teachers and administration are picking on them holds water. I also want to point out that is the same group that is involved with the sexual activity that has been brought up. What I DO NOT want to happen is that our whole district is judged by a few indiviudals. I have 2 kids in Middle school one of which had a few issues with these kids. We told them to kick the S*** out of them point blank. I then proceeded to call Mr. Olhausen to let him know what our instructions were to our child. Mr Olhausen was awesome and just asked if he could try to deal with the situation before it reached that point. We don't know what Mr. O did or said and there has been know more issues since. I think it is sad that people are blaming the teachers and administration. Just read all of the posts, some say they are picking on the kids others are saying that they are ignoring it. For God sakes they are damned if the do damned if they don't. REALITY is the PARENTS are responsible for their childs actions either sexually related or bullying. Instead of defending the teachers and admistration they are blaming them and letting their kids LIE LIE LIE to everyone. Teachers are there to TEACH skills and parents are to raise kids to be honest and have good morals. I for one want it this way. We cannot expect teachers and admistration to follow policy and discipline students without follow through at home. For those of you that were thinking about coming to East Sac and are having second thoughts, SEND THEM, keep involved and do not be afraid to keep in touch with the teachers and stay involved with your kids. My three kids are getting a GREAT education and LOVE being in school and so will yours! PS for the person who commented on sharing was the cause of all this- you don't know what you are talking about! The cause is individuals have kids that don't want to take the time to raise them!
The worst part about this entire situation is those who have been bulling others don't even feel guilty or bad about making others lives a living hell. Maybe instead of defending and making themselves sound and look extemely ridiculous on this blog the middle schoolers should be apologizing for all the terrible things they have done to their OWN classmates and peers.
Here are the facts last year the Middle School had 40 harrasment cases. I saw bullying everywhere when i was there and now i hear we have the most in the state. Now that i am in high school though i DONT see it, the thought that they might mature in High School well i guess it is a possibility, but i doubt it. My advice: to the 8 greaders GROW UP, to the parents; realize your kids are NOT angels they do do things bad, and to the teachers; TAKE AWAY SPORTS, if we are going to teach them a lesson, hit them where it hurts!
Hey person who commented "anonymous". Use your real name and quit hiding behind a screen and speak up. And harrassment? I never went and told on anyone. People found out. You know how they found out? All you retards went around and were talking about it instead of being smart and keeping your mouth shut.
Who are you to judge those who can't take time to shower? Maybe they have a bad home life. No one deserves to be bullied and yes, they will remember. ...The problem here is lack of respect for others, themselves, and authority. I'm a high school senior and I see/hear what this "8th grade" class does. I sure as heck didn't act like that and still don't. And it sucks that certain actions have to ruin the reputation of an entire class because no, these kids aren't bad people.
WOW. I wonder if this is what a witch hunt was like in the late 1600's. By reading most of these postings you would think that these eight graders are the worst kids in the history of all middle schools. And everybody just keeps piling on. As someone who has been around most of these kids since infancy I think I know a lot of them fairly well. I do believe collectively they are probably the most competitive group to come thru our school in a long time; both boys and girls. Is that so bad? I am pretty sure the eight grade girls have never been beaten in track. I also know the girls went all year without a league loss in basketball. Volleyball is another sport they excel in. The boy's teams also excel in extracurricular activities. In two years of football they have only lost to one team. The boys also went undefeated in basketball in league play this past year. The middle school also does an excellent job in band and music. I also think it would be a pretty safe bet that there are more eight graders that make the honor roll than any other class. This tells me they must be doing something right. There are no hidden sex orgies in the broom closet. There is not an alcohol problem nor is there a drug problem in our middle school. Unfortunately I hear that is not the case in some of our surrounding schools. Overall this group of kids do a pretty good job of getting along and working together as you can tell by their extracurricular and their academic success. I for one would be proud to have any one of these kids for my daughter or son.
what does sports have to do with the bulling and harrassment the 8th graders are a part of? and how does being good at sports and being competitve excuse this behavior? you have got to be kidding me!!!
Alright this is enough! It's a bunch of bull crap that a lot of people are blaming this all on one group of people in thier posts.Everyone needs to grow up and everyone needs to take responsiblity for what is going on, the students, teachers, administration, and parents alike! In some senses this has been blown out of proportion but in another sense no it has not. I mean seriously has no one picked up or looked at a magazine lately. It seems like everyday I hear about a middle school or high school student somewhere killing themselves because "bullies" in their school have taken things to a whole new level. You may not know what it feels like to be bullied (I'm assuming most do though) but to some people it's the worst thing in the world. Seriously if you had someone calling you a whore or a fag everyday (non jokingly) just to make you feel bad about yourself, it would eventualy get to you. Yes, i agree that bullying and harrasment is a part of life but when is enough enough?? Students should not have to be afraid to come to school on a daily basis. If you are joking with a student make sure you let them know because there is a difference! Yes, I admit i have "joked" with people but i always make sure they know it and I am honestly ashamed of that but it's become a part of todays socity (joking) and something I just happened to pick up (I'm working on stopping) keep in mind I'm not doing it to hurt peoples feelings or make them feel bad about themselves. Another thing is the fact that one class is being blamed as a whole. I personaly know that the WHOLE class is not terrible it's the select students who get a rise out of being nasty and mean or the ones who think it's "cool" to make fun of people and make them cry. Seriously, I would love to know waht is soo funny or "cool" to make someone cry. Yes, everyone is judged or judges someone at sometime but that doesnt mean you have to make a big deal out of it. It wasnt too long ago that I myself was in middle school at WLVA and I know for a fact that when I was that age the bullying was not that horrific. It's appaling to hear what some students are saying and doing to other people. I guess they don't understand the significance of what they're doing. Yeah, filling our a harassment form might not get you far in life but if you cant out smart of win against a bully what other way do you have to stick up for yourself and what you believe is right??? What are these students supposed to just sit in a corrner the rest of thier school career and just cope with what they're going through?? So the way i take that is that it's ok for the bully to get away with something wrong but it's not ok for the person being bullied to stand up for themselves? Yeah, pretty sure thats not right at all what so ever. Pretty sure that everyone needs to work together not only to stop the bullying but to make the students understand that it's deffinately not okay to make poeple feel that terrible about themselves because you dont know what their life might be like, you dont know whether or not they are ready feel bad about the "mistakes" they've made. Don't just put a lable on someone because of what they've done or said. I know personly that this is easier said than done, but atleast give it a try. JUST TRY TO STOP PLEASE!! READ THE NEXT POST FOR MORE :)
As for the sex issue. I don't care what age they are or what age they almost are at not time is it appropriate to have sex or engage is sexual activity in school theres a time and place for everything but school is not for this. I mean HELLO WAKE UP! do they not know what sex leads to? I'm not trying to be some ant-sex holy person because that's not who I am but seriously if you want to have sex do it on your own time in private. I'm pretty sure that not to many places in the school building are "private" and i know that last thing i want to do is walk in on someone having sex when all i want to do is go to the bathroom! All kids will be curious and thats fine but atleast be curious at home or somewhere elses! Next topic. everyone says that "oh they'll change when they get to high school" I have a feeling you're wrong because I know for a fact that several students in the middle school have tried to start "drama" witht he high schoolers and that they've said that the high shcoolers are "afraid" of them (as previously posted) but here's a little wake up call no one is afraid. Now i know that people can change if they want to and they put their mind to it. One last the whole snowmobile thing is absolutely ridiculous!!! Why? who deserves to recieve such disrespect! I don't care what they did or who paid who! That was plain disrespectful dispite no one or nothing being hurt or broken!!! If you want to act like that go back to elementary and learn you manners all over agian! And yes I agree with the fact that there is harassment going on in elementary and that is very saddening! I believe though, if there is a stop put to it at this time the problem will be much eair to get a handle on! Thats the end of my liitle rant I apoligize if i offended anyone and also for my grammar and spelling. Have a nice day! :) Shawna W. ESC JR.
I'm going to play the devil's advocate here. Everyone is trying to protect their children, that in itself is sensible and noble. That's all fine and dandy, but what happens when your precious snowflakes graduate East Sac? What happens when the guardian factor is eliminated?
How is your child going to react when when the same shit happens outside the school? Oh no! No one to run to and complain to! So now what happens? The way the current mentality suggests is that they let the administration know and it will be "dealt" with.
This will only lead to the same bullying antics. What the parents should be preaching are more proactive steps. Like how to stand up for yourself and not be a complete weenie. This world is full of sadists and ilk, and a little assertive attitude goes further than just tolerating them. They say bullies are cowards due to their own deficiencies and attempt to project their shortcomings on others. That is most likely true in some cases, so let them know you mean business. Stand up for yourself and they will likely move on to other things. Unfortunately, in this school system, that will land you in detention or in school suspension. At least you can rest easier and know that you took a stand.
Now this next paragraph is going to sound incredulous to the majority. Bullies are great teachers. They teach you, like I mentioned before, how to take a stand. This doesn't always have to end in physical confrontation, sometimes verbalizing your feelings can work. Most of the bullies aren't the blind, unfeeling pricks you make them out to be. If you aren't the most physically capable fellow, there are still options. Mental subversion is also a skill a bully can teach. Let your words and knowledge be your muscle. Appeal to their interests and personality. Sometimes a little kindness can even go a long ways, perhaps the only reason this particular bully does what he does is due to his longing for social interaction/friends.
There will come a time in your life when there will be nowhere to run and hide. Have courage and faith in yourself, friends. The bullying stops with you.
Yeah, the teachers and administration do a great job. My child went to report a problem to the administration and was told "I'll believe this person before I believe what you are telling me." Little good this did. What court of law convicted 4 8th graders? Get your facts straight sister!
I Spent my entire elementry/middle school career being bullied. As of right now i am a senior in high school. Ready to move on past anything that occured in my school years. After going through years of being bullied, i became a bully. It all depends on popularity. If your a cool kid in the cool crowd, but dont get bullied, then you will just sit back and watch it all happen, maybe say a coupld things here and there to make it look like you help alot, but you dont. If your an unpopular kid, that the "incrowd" doesn't like, then you will become a bully yourself. My senior class was bad as an 8th grade class, in a different way. They are not the exact same, but similar, and i'm sure every class before us had their similarities. It's not all on you parents, or you teachers, the responsibility relies on all the students. Once these 8th graders get to high school, i'm sure you won't blame them as much as you do now. ;)
Anonymous said... what does sports have to do with the bulling and harrassment the 8th graders are a part of? and how does being good at sports and being competitve excuse this behavior? you have got to be kidding me!!! (Spell checker anyone?)
Obviously this comment is coming from someone who never participated in sports. I agree with the sports analogy from the comments up a few post.
You learn how to get along with your teammates. You learn how to make your teammates better. You learn how to take instructions from someone in charge. You learn dedication and perseverance. You learn how to handle disappointment and how to handle success. Most importantly you learn life is not always fair, mommy is not always going to be there to fight your battles for you.
My daughter, now one year out of school, was terribly harrassed by a younger girl at school. As a parent of five, I've learned to listen but allow the kids to work it out. Most times this works.. But when the school got involved, I realized my child was suffering. I felt the bully girl had severe problems and hoped that her parents and the school would deal with this emotional problem. Therefore, I did not press charges. I have sinced learned that this was not her first offense and she has continued to do this. I feel her mother, who I might add, NEVER called us with an apology, thinks her daughter is normal and it is everyone elses problem. This child was 16 when her cruelness affected my child. Can you image what she will be like in five years. I have felt very guilty for not taking this problem more seriously and charging this bully bitch with any charge available. It has had lasting effects on my child. Thank you for the opportunity to vent. I feel we have to get aggressive with this type of behavior. I would print my name but I have one more daughter that is in school with this insane witch.
This is getting a bit overboard. NOT THE ENTIRE 8th GRADE CLASS IS INVOLVED. So why continue to group them. I have to say that I am glad that my daughter is an 8th grader. Not one of these kids in this class would let anything happen to her. In "real" life she deals with the struggles she was born with. These kids take the extra time to help her when she needs it and would do anything for her. Yes there are problems within the school, but STOP BLAMING IT ALL ON JUST THIS CLASS. I happen to believe that every one of these kids will succeed very well in life.
First of all if you want to talk about putting your name maybe you should put your full name instead of your last. I think it is hilarious that all they get praise for is their sports. Sorry but I hate to burst all your little bubbles but everyone is good at sports in middle school. My class was undefeated in softball and basketball and excelled in track as well. And just because they are "athletic" then that makes it okay to push people around? WRONG. These kids can’t handle any authority at all and it’s pathetic. I hate when people think they need to make crude little comments towards people just too make themselves feel better about their own self. Grow up. You will learn as soon as you get into high school that there will be people that won’t take your crap and will knock you down. Oh and to answer your question about do we know you? No not personally. But when word gets around to the high school about these so called "rumors" what else are we supposed to think? Like the speaker said yesterday. Its not about who knows you anymore, it’s about who you respect. By the sounds of it, it seems like giving others respect is something that you have little interest in. Another thing that is funny is that the 8 grade thinks the high schooler's are scared of them. Are you kidding me? They will all learn next year what people think of them and they will quickly learn their place. When I was their age I never though twice about mouthing off to an upperclassmen, it’s just something you don't do. Its sad how maybe 10 or 20 kids can ruin the reputation for a whole class of 80. I’m positive there are kids that respect their teachers and peers in that class, and it’s terrible that those others ruin it for you. Sorry to put you into reality but next year this crap will not be tolerated and you will get in trouble. And for those who think it’s a great idea to take away their sports I agree. Take something away that they actually care about, and not only one game either, take away a whole season. They will learn eventually.
I agree with what shawna said all the way! I also think that the middle schoolers need to no that there is more in life then making someone whos "not as cool as you" feel bad by calling them names. It may be funny to the person who is doing it and to their friends but to the person that is getting called those names it could hurt them for the rest of their lives. I deffinatly know what it feels like to be made fun of and its not nice. PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES. It would be very nice if the middle schoolers could learn to be nice and get along with everyone no matter who they are before they get to high school or they are going to have some rude awakenings. Everyone really just needs to focus on school so they can go somewhere in life and bullying will not get you anywhere. High school is way more fun if there is no drama. So lets please all either get along or keep our comments to ourselfs. Thanks!! Junior
ok peoples this is just stupid ok? kids r gonna get bullied. who reading this has ever been bullied in skool? wat did u do about it? NOTHING how can u now go on here when ur not "emotionally unstable" and say this stuff when some of u dont even have kids? ur just lowlifes trying to make up for your own lives by degrading others isnt that a type of bullying? i mean come on these kids with worse upbringings r the problem? THATS BULLYING right there so ur a bunch of hypocrites who shouldnt be allowed on a computer let alone be able to type on smart think before posting not that difficult....think about it ok?
I am SICK and tired of people defending the ENTIRE grade i will admit that not EVERY kid does it, but the kids that do do it, are TERRIBLE they are nasty, mean, and have no respect for anyone, and THEY gave there class a bad name. i do have friends in the 8 grade, but the ones that are bullies are so bad, that i would rather have them all stay back and never see the ones that are ok then to spend one day with those over cocky bullies of the 8 grade. also for the people who think there is no problem, if you lived the life as one of the "not cool people" for even one day you would change your mind. The boys that think they are high and mighty will torment you verbally and physically and the girls huh, last year they had a game and it was choose one person and see how many times they could make them cry in one week. i have seen this, i have heard this, and i have experienced this, and if you don't believe me about the game just ask some 8 grade girls.
The middle school issue has gone too far. We all know who is to blame for these issues, (At least whom mostly to blame). THE PARENTS! Children learn what they live. Children that are arrogant learn that from their parents. Who urinates in a gas tank or engages in sexual activities IN SCHOOL?! Something is wrong with our middle school. East Sac County School is developing a bad reputation for their disciplinary issues when the faculty cannot control the activities that go on in the school! I will admit that some of the teachers need to develop a stronger form of discipline. I know physical punishment is not allowed anymore, but make them do hard manual labor! I know a teacher in the middle school who makes troublesome students scrub toilets! I see nothing wrong with this. I don't know if some of the older people reading these posts remember when they were in school in the 60s and 70s. If you so much as chewed your fingernails in P.E., a ruler would be slammed into your fingernails. Hmm....I can't help but wonder how many problems would be eradicated if a different form a discipline was enacted. PARENTS: You may want to beleive that your children are angels. Some are......others...not so much. I'm a junior in high school, luckily my parents do not have to worry about petty discipline issues similar to what were dealing with today, but if a call ever came home from school and I was involved in a "negative" way, I was GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT! This is the problem today.. parents are backing their students even when their students ARE wrong! What is this teaching the younger generation?
The bully issues at schools need to stop. When I was in elementary and middle school, bullying was never a big issue. I've seen the effects of what bullying can do to one's self-esteem, and let me tell you...would you like to be the person blamed for a student taking their own life? You would have to live with that the rest of your LIFE! I don't think anyone in our school system is suicidal yet, but if it continues without any changes...this becomes a possibility. How much longer will we go on with sex in the bathrooms or urinating in a gas tank before the adults in our communities realize that the kids were the ones at fault, and NOT I repeat NOT the teachers!!!!!!!!. History repeats itself and just remember kids at Columbine or other schools across the nations when troubled resort to violence to take out their anger. Just as most Americans rely on the government to solve EVERY problem, we cannot rely soley on our school administrators to discipline our kids. The government nor school administrators can solve our every problem! Open your eyes everybody...We have a SERIOUS problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
I am someone that gets bullied in school. Im called a fag. I used to tell on alot of people and when I did that, it just made things worse. My opinion on this bullying thing in our school should be taken care of. Would you like to go to school everyday and constantly be called a fag or other sick body parts. And next year should be a good year with this new superintedent and the 8th graders in high school. We always got taught to think before you say it. TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. for petes sake. IT DOESNT WORK!!!!!!!!!!
now sitting here reading these comments im kinda laughing this is blown so far out of proportion its assnine Im a middle schooler (notice how i put my real name) ok im an 8th grader and trust theres only maybe 2-4 at the most people who are "bullied" more than i am its not that bad and i garantee none of you parents are theres because guess what them like me don't care so either some of you are lying or sorry to say your children are wusses dont get me wrong i bet they do get teased but not as bad as you guys are portraying and about the sex between classes thing REALLY PEOPLE REALLY trust me thats not happening at all noone even kisses between classes in the middle school couldnt tell you bout the high school and by the way its not just 8th graders i bet 5th and 6th alone or worse than us my sister comes home almost every day and tells me about a fight in the 5th or 6th grades i dont know if this is true im not saying it is but we dont have nears as many fights as we see happen and also "blum" (as if i dont know who you are) you dont not have a single person in your class that doesnt take showers and ik that im probly one of the people your reffering too ya i do take showers you can say i dont till your blue in the face but its a lie and you think that the teachers are lookin at porn aw hell no like..when would they have time too do that also the teachers accounts are admin limited when it comes to blocked sites they have the same limits even in their free periods if there not in there rooms which kids are in there nowhere where they can get on a computer long enough its just not happening you wanna talk to me go ahead anytime idc i wanna know what you think of this and also high schoolers someone said if we think your afraid of us we dont but just know we arent afraid of you and also i think someone also said were poping pills and doin drugs in the bathroom ya we are nothing gets past you (idiots) do we really look high in class really thats the farthest thing from what were doing we are doing what bathrooms were intended for going to the bathroom honestly where do you people come up with this its funny
I am not ok with the pictures that are posted on facebook of the poor child who was beaten up today. That is absolutely ridiculus! I just had an incident at soccer practice tonight and had to stop middle school bullying whole I was TRYING to coach my team. NOT happy about it!!!
For clarity to Stephanie's post above, the child shown in the photos was not beaten up at school according to someone who posted a comment on those FB photos.
I am encouraged by Brent Drey's well-written comments...some people do get it. Teachers and administrators do not go to college to learn how to be cops, nor should they have to. Parents took the authority to discipline children away from teachers and administrators a long time ago. Schools should at least be able to expect parents are sending kids to school who are ready and willing to learn instead of coming to school to torture other kids and smart off to the teachers and staff.
Parents, instead of complaining about the school not doing their job, you should be doing yours as a parent. Solve the problem at home where it started.
Stephaine...I hope you talked to the parents...they ABSOLUTELY must get involved, if at school or the playground or main street wherever...get those parents involved. The next step would/should be the police!
stephanie-i am a soccer coach for a middle school team and I want to know if it was my team involved with the bullying going on at practice. was it in auburn or sac that this was going on? please let me know as a coach, i will take care of it
Stephanie...Why are you not ok with the pictures being posted on the website? It's graphic, I will give you that. But it is simply an example of how out of control this bullying issue is getting. I for one know the victim, and his family, and think there is nothing wrong to SHOW people that want to turn a blind eye or downplay the seriousness of it that this is happening. Criminal charges need to start being pressed against every issue. Maybe a few months in a juvi hall for a few of these little pricks is what it will take.
How ironic. I was terrified of [NAME REMOVED] when I was in school.
ReplyDeleteThe bullying problem is bad in this town. Very bad. My youngest son was on the receiving end of this for a couple of years. Thankfully, it's better for him this year.
ReplyDeleteMy eldest son is a bully (believe me, we are working on this) and he and I recently were called in to the principal's office to discuss his behavior. Considering what he was accused of, he got off easy. The discipline guidelines for bullying and harassment need to be increased.
If the tables were turned, and it was my child that these things were said to, I would be offended and deeply angry at the slight punishment given by the school. (I haven't yet decided the at home punishment, but it's coming.)
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've heard, she's managed to carry that over into her professional life while somehow becoming... stupider
My son is emotionally crushed on a daily basis. It is very frusterating to me as a parent. Sad thing is that it is now affecting his grades. I think that the "punishment" for these kids for sure needs to be increased. I think it is a good thing that there are going to be changes next year, maybe the new people in positions (guidence/admin) will have enough balls to handle the problems at the schools.
ReplyDeleteThe things I have heard from the kids themselves scare me. The bulling is extreme, and the bullies are getting a kinda of "high" from seeing kids hurt.
ReplyDeleteIf the school/parents want to really look at the bigger picture, we should also talk about the sex/sexual behavior happening in our middle school/and in some homes. It happens between classes, after school, and on weekends, it is happening right under the noses of parents and teachers alike. These kids are only 11-14 years old, and some of these kids (not all) are out of control! I am scared for these kids, what are we teaching them? Parents and schools need to band together to RAISE our kids morals, their respect for themselves, and their respect toward other students/community. Concerned.
I was just coming on here to comment about the sexual activity happening at the middle school. I see someone has already addressed it. It is out of control. I dont know what to do with my children in a few years. If the middle school is going to be a sex fest, like it is now, I will consider open enrolling to a school where it isnt so prevalant. I do understand some of it happens everywhere, but not like here. It is scary to listen to the kids at the middle school, as young as 10 years old, discussing what sexual behaviors they are a part of.
ReplyDeleteThe bullying is out of control as well. When my daughter was in begindergarten in Sac she began starving herself from being called fat. She now weighs a huge 50 pounds when she should weigh the 65 or 70 that is an average weight for her age. We have been fighting her eating habits (or lack of) for years now. That is just one example. I know there is some name calling and what not going on that is ridiculus as well. I dont know about some other parents, but my kids get punished at home as well if they are disrepectful. It is uncalled for. Parents need to instill morals in their children. No one in this town is too "high and mighty" for anyone else. Some of these poor children watch their parents put themselves on pedestals and think they are too good for others as well.
I might add that I have spoke to the schools and voiced my concerns as well.
ReplyDeleteI am a parent that currently open enrolls my firstborn, a daughter, to the Carroll Public Schools. She is currently in preschool and we transport her there and back every day. It's a commitment that we are willing to make since she goes only half days currently. When kindergarten starts, we won't have the ability to get her back to Sac County from Carroll in the middle of the afternoon. My husband and I have decided to send her to East Sac for kindergarten but from what I am reading I am VERY concerned. My daughter is an outgoing, loving little girl and makes friends easily where she is. Bullying already in BEGINDERGARTEN? Are you KIDDING ME? It is absolutely obvious based on what is being written here that children are being taught or are witnessing these behaviors at home or in an outside environment. At age 4, children SHOULD NOT have the concept that it is fun and a "high" to hurt others. I'm disgusted and will be rethinking my original decision to send my daughter to ESC.
ReplyDeleteI have also heard/talked with my son about the sexual activity going on in the middle school. Some of the things he tells that is going on, most adults wouldn't do!! WAKE up middle school, we have some serious problems!!! I really honestly don't remember things being this bad when I was in middle school.
ReplyDeleteWe have considered open enrolling our children in a different school as well. If the problem does not improve, that is just what we will do! My kids do not need to be exposed to this amount of nasty and mean behavior!
ReplyDeleteAs a parent of a middle schooler, I would like to add that the bullying is out of control. It has always been out of control in our school district. And I would know. It is just now, that since there is policy governing bullying in school, that we are actually discussing the situation. My own middle schooler has been bullied as well as the person doing the bullying. It just amazes me how a student can be friends with someone one day and then the next day they are a social pariah. I do not have the answers to why this is, but that is what is happening. I have tried to get my middle schooler to recognize when they are the person who bullies and how that makes the other person feels. Especially since maybe two weeks ago it was them. Many of these students think it is ok to call each other names and be very cruel, because they think they will not get into trouble. The punishment does need to be stronger and the students need to realize that they will receive the punishment.
ReplyDeleteI also have heard stories about the sexual activity that is going on at the middle school level. That saddens me. So, besides the bullying, the students at the middle school are also getting pressured about sex...yes this is going to cause some issues, like, mental health issues. Parents of middle schoolers monitor your children for signs of anxiety and to them about sex...and yes just talk to them about how their day was...just talk to your children.
I have 2 children that attend the middle school and to hear them come home and tell what is happening to some of the kids at school with bulleying is heartwrenching. I teach my kids to respect teachers and students. For the most part they do. For a example, My daughter has came home and stated several times how kids will bully a girl at lunch time with callingher names and no one sits with her. My daughter will leave her friends and will go sit with her at times and my daughter then will get the slack from her friends. My daughter is a caring person and hates to see others hurt.there is a big problem and I think that there should be more programs to teach these kids some respect on a weekely basis. Once a year is not enough for these middle school aged kids.
ReplyDeleteI hope the ESC school board reads these comments. In a ideal world parents would attend school board meetings and speak up about the middle school situation.
ReplyDeleteParents that "tattle tale" at school board meetings (which is via you tube) may just be setting your own child up for teasing/ bullying in our own school system. Please take action and realize how bad it really is. I understand we as parents need to take action too, but maybe if the school starts the ball rolling everyone will join in, and we won't be anonymous any more!
This is not just in the middle school !!!!! I have 2 grandaughters in the elementary that come home almost everyday in tears because their day was so bad. These kids are so hateful. If you are friends with one you cannot be friends with another,or you lose your other friends but then the next week it's changed. They don't know from day to day what to expect. it just sickens me. That is Sac City, always has been and always will be !!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hear you loud and clear!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a social issue. There are no expectations in the home nor are there any consequences in the home if the kid gets in trouble. The parents probably did the same thing. The penalties must be too light for what is happening. It sounds like there needs to be some kids expelled for the year. They can then take the year over. If they do it again when they come back, they can take the year over again.
ReplyDeleteMy grandchild just read the posts on here and laughed because they said, "If half of the people on here that post only knew what their child do. We have a teacher who watches porn on their PC."
ReplyDeleteI myself have seen children from poor families, or who have parents who do drugs, or drink, come out of that homelife, go on to college, and really make something out of their lives. I have also seen children that come from so called stable well to do families that go to college for 6 years and have done nothing with their lives. I know this because both have happened in my own family. PRAY for them, LOVE them. Show them that you really care and then we might see a change for the better.
What is the "sex" that is going on? And how are teachers/administration not aware of it?
ReplyDeletethe 8th graders heading into high school. trust me they will change. some people are really judging them to much. Just get to know some of them and they are nice and funny children.
ReplyDeletethey will change going into high school..
ReplyDeleteOk I agree with alomst everything said about the bullying and sexual activity at ESMS, and as for the bullying it isnt just the students to other students i have heard of also a few teachers behaving in a manor that is not proper for a person in their position!!! This has to stop!!! And as for the parents of the kids that are out of control you need to buck up and take charge, I believe that is half the problem PARENTS NEED TO BE PARENTS!!!! East Sac we have a huge problem and we all need to work on fixing this!!!
ReplyDeletewhoever is commenting on this has apparently never been 13 years old before. this is life as a teenager..these kids are acting like babies and the adults are babying the ones they like and singling out the ones they don't..the problem is not the kids its the administration.
ReplyDeleteTo the 'sex' thing, they are getting of age. you know most of you did the same stuff when you were that age. Come on people
You know everyone who's commented on here, I bet if these "8 graders" moved away, and took 12,000 dollars away from East Sac County, I’d say it’s still going to happen. No doubt in my mind, I've personally asked my son, and asked him if it's as bad as I hear at work, "No dad, if I had a definition for everything that happens in that school it would be, "BLOWN-OUT-OF-PORPORTION." He also claimed when he got into trouble for shoving someone in the hallway and having one* witness, who he later found out, was his best friend said my son did it.? What does that say about this system? He then received multiple* days of I.S.S. Speaking from my point of view here, if I was sentenced to"3 days of I.S.S." I'd be thinking in there, how on earth can I make he/she's life a living hell when I get out? It’s obviously not working? Where are the counselors for this? If all these parents’ poor baby children are being picked on? No help from them? I thought that was one of the reasons he/she was hired? Last year and this year when my son's "investigation was taking place" He missed a total of 3 periods of his* education/learning sessions, to in the end, be found guilty? Who's to say that’s publically correct? It's unbelievable what these kids go through everyday, Boy/Girl I’m not saying there’s not a problem. Do you have any idea what it's like being a parent of one of these kids that are so "Bad" and disrespectful? I've punished my son severely and he hasn’t received a referral since? Personally, if I was in present day school and I received a piece of paper that told me, "Was caught chewing gum in the middle of class" and this diss-obeys school policy? I'd think it would be a JOKE! I'm just curious but, so I’ve heard, when this incident about the 8th graders paying 6th graders to, from what I’ve heard, to urinate on a snow-mobile, don’t get me wrong, this is morally wrong, but seriously? Urine is sterile, plus the snow would’ve frozen and killed all the bacteria near it, was the engine broken? Did someone die? Hurt? Or was it another chance to get back at my child for bullying them recently? What happens when these bully-ed children are out of high school and there’s no teachers/admin to go and run too? Life's not fair. Plain and Simple, It’d be different if people were getting “knifed and shot and beat within an inch of their life?” Yes, that’s a different story, but name calling? Really? Grow up. When I was in high school, I had friends, I was around bullying, and did I agree with it no, did I NEVER say anything? Of course not, it’s middle school, probably the toughest part of your life... Why don’t you go fill out a harassment form… that will get you far in life…
ReplyDeleteAs far as "scaring" these kids out of bullying...good luck. The only thing that is going to stop them is SERIOUS punishment. Yes, there was a student sent to Boys and Girls home in Denison because of disruptive behavior. There were also 4 8th grade students who were investigated and found GUILTY of harrassment. Their punishment was that they had to sit out one basketball game. My advise...every parent who has a child that is being bullied needs to gather as a group and demand that something be done. Why not? The parents of the bullies aren't afraid to stand up for their kids to get them out of trouble. The reason that the problem seems so much worse in the middle school and elementary is because these kids are still at the age where they will confide in their parents about what is happening to them. It really upsets me that we act as though there isn't any of this going on in our high school. I am a parent of high school children and I know for a fact that it happens there. Now,Let's all just quit pretending that we don't know who these kids are..they are the current 8th grade class. Do you actually think that we'll still be hearing about them when they're in high school next year? No, we won't because kids have stopped reporting what is happening to them..since nothing has been done to stop them by now, nobody is going to "stir" the pot and tell on them in high school.I have talked with several teachers, and believe me, their hands are tied. They do see it, and they do report it, but after that it's out of their hands. The school board asked how they could help...they could demand a list of these "repeat offenders" and drag them into a board meeting and tell them that they either get it together or get out. Don't give me the "we're a public school" line. We do have the right to expel students. We can either get rid of the 5-10 kids who are constantly harrassing others, or we can lose 25-50 kids to other districts because their kids are being harrassed!
ReplyDeleteYou actually think the 8th graders will change when they get to high school? When they were in elementary, everyone said they'd change in Middle School!
ReplyDelete"These kids are acting like babies," said the Bully.
ReplyDelete"To the 'sex' know most of you did the same stuff when you were that age," said the Teenaged Parent.
I am positive that I dont remember having sex as a 10 year old or having friends that did either. I also dont remember any of my friends being scared of being pregnant at age 14 either. I went to Sac.
ReplyDeletepeople are saying that these 8th graders will change going into high school. I am currently in high school at ESC and its bad here too. If the kids are already bullying and are sexually active, it will only get worse in high school. The upperclassmen are going to pressure them and drinking and drug use will come into effect.
ReplyDeleteits not anyones business about the sexual things. If they want to get into that. that is their own faults. I do agree the bullying thing has gone over the top. but the real question is..are they having classes about this? What are the staff doing about it??
ReplyDeleteI disagree that those children will change when they get to high school. I JUST graduated from ESC High School last year and I've seen the kind of bull that goes on in that school. If anything, it gets worse in high school, both with the bullying and the sex. You've got these kids in the high school who think they're all high and mighty because they don't get in any trouble because of their name. I've seen the unfairness that happens in that school firsthand. Punishments need to be controlled better and given out regularly, not just to the kids who aren't popular.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the sex thing, it only gets worse in high school. I can't tell you how many times I was sitting in classes and heard "I got so drunk this weekend and slept with *****!" It's absolutely pathetic and it is a huge problem. People need to realize that middle school is not just a "phase" and that what kids do in middle school with keep with them for the rest of their lives.
"its not anyones business about the sexual things." FOR REAL?
ReplyDeleteI've seen naked pictures of 14 year old girls on people's phones that were being sent around. It obviously is other people's business if these pictures are being sent around the COMMUNITY!
Students harassing students? Try teachers. You all say the students need to stop. Well the influences around them are not helping. Teachers call kids names. They take sides if they like you or not, not by what the problem at hand is. The kids aren't stabbing people and killing people. None of you teachers would last in a big city school. Send me a piece of paper saying detention for chewing gum? HA! The teachers need to work at the problem also. So don't blame the 8th grade class. They are actually a good group of students if the teachers would have given them a chance. They judged them before they even knew them. That is what the high school teachers have already done.
ReplyDeleteThese are some great comments. Half you people probably do not know the 8th grade class personally. Hm ive heard of teachers harassing students recently. Good influence ehh?
ReplyDeletewow. Ganging up on the 8th grade why dont we?..Get real and get to know them. Everyone going off of what other people say?..You know all teenagers will be teenagers.
ReplyDeleteYeah, people, seriously, if you don’t know these kids personally, why judge them? Your just as bad as the 8* grade class if your buying into the rumors that have made their name soo indescribably bad. Cute story here... A classmate of mine, recently we had to watch a video on the Holocaust and after the video he made the claim, "That video changed my life." What happened to him? A referral with a detention. Yeah maybe it did? We’ll never know now because I'm betting my shiny dollar that he has some Very good* (Sarcasm for the un-educated) feelings toward his Teacher now.
ReplyDeleteSome kids need to grow a pair. Ur fat. Wow that's something to get so upset about. This staff and administration blows things out of proportion.
ReplyDeleteWe will see who is still blooging stuff about them after they change. And look back at this and laugh
ReplyDeleteI have an eighth grade kid, and I would pay hard cash to get him away from the influence of some of these kids. So, I know the 8th graders personally. I also know, as a parent of a kid who recently got into some trouble with his language at school, that this is in no way "blown out of proportion!" And, why, doesn't the school have a zero tolerance policy yet on harassment?
ReplyDeleteSome of these comments really chaps my hide!
Have you seen the language these _children_ use on facebook? These kids say things I wouldn't say alone in my bedroom drunk.
Maybe this harassment would NOT be going on if the teachers actually tried to act like they care. They don't care. They just like punishing the kids they hate! They enjoy it! Teachers stand out in the hallways and gossip about the students after the bell has rang for class. That is a great influence on that 8th grade class that is claimed so bad! All of you people that believe everything you hear are just as bad then! That's a "mature" way of acting like an adult. Believing everything you hear. Which mostly happens to be false rumors.
ReplyDeleteFacebook is out of school. But nice try buddy :)
ReplyDeleteYou know them personally?! HA, try seeing a day through school through his eyes and see if hens getting bullied, and Oh yes they have a no tolerance act buddy, you call someone a name, they feel their getting harassed, they can march down to the office with a friend and fill out the form and that person is awarded the grand prize of I.S.S. The fact that you’re alone in your bedroom drunk is depressing enough. Perfect example, anonymous, why don’t you go tell on him? fill out a form? Go get your buddies, that’ll make you feel good, right? Then instead of having one person call you a name or make a comment, lets have his/her gang* after you, that’s a good call.
ReplyDeleteFacebook *is* out of school. And if there was a gang-rape out of school, I would still be upset. The point of that post is that these kids are bullying in school, and using horrific language out of school. These are not great character attributes.
ReplyDelete"Some kids need to grow a pair. Ur fat. Wow that's something to get so upset about." Are you freaking kidding?
Let's continue to blame the parents and teachers (but especially not the kids) for their bullying and harassment, and if we are lucky maybe we too can end up on the national news like South Hadley, Mass, where a 15 year old girl committed suicide. She was literally bullied to death. (
Yeah, that’s different, telling someone to commit suicide? Are you kidding me? Wtf, you honestly believe someone in the right mind, is going to tell someone to commit suicide? Yeah, I’ve witnessed harassment, a few name callings here and there, but nothing like that, it would be different if there were knives and guns and stuff but seriously. Yeah, don’t blame the kids, they have more power essentially anyways, one persons words against another’s.
ReplyDeletePeople take things too literally, and let things get to them too easily. The teachers could put a little more effort in. [LINE REMOVED]She picks and chooses sides by who she likes and dislikes. That's fair treatment. Maybe if they were treated fairly they wouldn't continue to act this way.
ReplyDeleteOk, I have three in middle school, one of them is an 8th grader. Yes, some of them are doing these things, but if you teach your children right from wrong and they respect themselves, they are not going to. Not all of these kids are into this stuff. I think it depends on the group you are talking about. A lot of these kids are good kids. Yes, my younger two, who are also in middle school, have seen the bullying, but not one of my three are having sex or doing any of this. It starts at home, raise your kids right and we would not be having this conversation. If we lived in a big city it would be worse. Every community has bullying problems and kids having sex at a young age. On top of that, if you have the balls to comment, you should really add your name, you can run your mouth, but can't own up to it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said "Some kids need to grow a pair. Ur fat. Wow that's something to get so upset about. This staff and administration blows things out of proportion." and "It’d be different if people were getting “knifed and shot and beat within an inch of their life?” Yes, that’s a different story, but name calling? Really? Grow up."
ReplyDelete-Here's a little jolt of reality. Columbine and most all of these other school shootings never "thought" they would have a student be pushed so far over the edge to commit a mass murder/suicide episode. Do you want to be a statistic? I'm not saying it's going to happen here but who's to say it won't? Everyone has a breaking point and I can guarantee no parent wants their child to be dead because a student, or group of students band together because they were pushed too far with bullying, name calling and/or being called FAT. I've witnessed kids calling other kids fat who are in NO WAY fat. So, to your above quoted comments, face reality. If this gets any more out of hand you could be mourning the loss of lives because it was "NO BIG DEAL" right?
Anonymous said "To the 'sex' thing, they are getting of age. you know most of you did the same stuff when you were that age. Come on people"
- Are you freaking kidding me? I'm only 30 but I'm pretty sure that in the middle school I had just stopped playing with barbies. (Probably more around 5th-6th grade). I'm also proud to say that I didn't know anyone in my middle school having sex. High school was different...and 3 of them ended up pregnant. Now these kids have cell phones which make "hooking up" even easier. They did or are currently wearing different colored bracelets to "ADVERTISE" what sex acts they have or are willing to perform. I'm an EMT and have witnessed this age of children going to Pharm Parties. Taking a handful of pills and chugging alcohol with them. Smart. For those of you who are saying this is no big deal...wake up from dreamworld. That's the problem here...people don't give enough shit about their kids or what's going on, so why should a bunch of PREPUBESENT kids right!? If this frame of mind keeps up by some and we don't come together to do something about it, some day we'll all look back on this blog and say...hmmmmm....shoulda probably done something more about that.
Just spoke to my 8th grader about these comments. His response, "I know, I know."
ReplyDeleteHow do you know?
"The 8th grade has the most harassment cases in the state, high schoolers are afraid of us, and we've forced two teachers to retire."
Whether the last two points are true, I don't know. But I'd be interested to know if this class really does have the most harassment cases filed in the state.
ReplyDeleteInappropriate Facebook status updates and comments are not a school issue, but they do indicate a problem with our middle school students. These posts were made by kids in our middle school. Tell me, do really think there isn’t a bigger problem than we think?
Same to myself. I had just asked my 8th grader and her responce was being scared to go into high school. She has been hearing from the teachers everyone hates them. Most harrassment in the state?? Are you kidding me!?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletewow seriously? half of this shit is a lie. teachers make up rumors and make it worse. like [NAME REMOVED] made up the "8th grade gang" if you got to know them there not that bad. and [NAME REMOVED] talking shit about us? maybe we wouldnt sound half as bad if you would stop makeing up lies ya there is name calling but there is no need to have harrassment rite away. some people over react. By calling us the 8th grade gang your just making it worse for the people who arent at fault for anything of the harrassment stuff. You think were bad? look at all the teachers who have affairs and look up pron on a computer.. ya there is a problem here but your just blowing it a little out of proportion
There is another discussion about bullying happening at as well. (Must friend to read)
ReplyDeleteHow should the 8th grade class feel? Their teachers tell them they're going to get beat up in high school. Some teachers have even told them the high school teachers already dislike them.
ReplyDeletealrighty you guys are not in the middle school so you guys dont no what goes on. some stuff that people get harassment for is stupid.(its not needed) and about the sex thing wow maybe 2 or 3 poeple have done it! NOT everyone has. get a grip people..this middle school isnt a sex fest! and yes there are a few people that like to go over board on the sexting but not everyone does it. why judge an entire middle school by the acts of 10 people? everyone makes the middle school sound bad..they talk bad about it but they dont no whats going on in it. some people yes do get bullied but doesnt that happen in every school? kids will be kids. and THERE is NO 8th grade gang. Some teacher is making up rumors about us and its gettin to be really old. the high school already hate us enough. people are just making it worse for us by making rumors. half the stuff people say arnt even true about us. WoW i cant beleive we even have to explain this stuff to people who blog on this.
ReplyDeletecoming from myself an 8th grade student. I dont really see all this bullying stuff goin on. Mostly its all just a joke. But honestly you people who are calling us a "sex fest". you dont even know what the heck your talking about. And you think commenting on this and making us sound like we are a bunch of little 2 year olds and that we are something to be scared off. yes, they are alot of different kind of clicks and pretty much everyone stays to where their friends are and stuff like that. But being told we are all hated and no one wants us to go to high schoool. but seriously if you dont even know anyone or half of the stuff that goes on in our school you have no right to blame us for things we did not even do. Hearing all these rumors just makes all you people believe everything that comes out of peoples mouth. we will change and make all you people proud. promise.
ReplyDeletesomethimes you should just let things go....really!.
ReplyDeleteYes us middle schoolers should cut down on bullying, but the high schoolers do it too. The elementary kids do it. You people are just focusing on the middle school. Look at the big picture. They aren't the only ones. [LINE REMOVED - POSSIBLE CRIMINAL ACCUSATION]. Why would they want to be nice and stop if the people who are trying to get them to stop tell everyone they hate the middle schoolers?! That's going to encourage them to stop! (sarcasm)
ReplyDeleteA teacher in our school system said that his/her co-workers were telling her to retire before we 8th graders got up to high school next year. Don't you think that's a little extreme? yeah some people have had sex and yeah some people sext, but they majority (HUGE majority) of my classmates i know are still virgins, and some of my classmates havent kissed a guy or girl let alone had sex. Why judge some 80 students by the choices of 10 or so students? You guys dont go to our school. You guys dont go to class with us. You guys dont walk and talk in the halls with us, so who are you to judge? High schoolers, i hear, dont like us. This is because a whole lot of people make up rumors or lie or make a bigger deal out of something that really isnt that big. So, people try and get it out of all your heads that we are this bully filled, sex driven group of 13 and 14 and some 15 year olds. Get a grip on life people. You dont know us like WE know us.
Well first of all, this story is BASED on the middle school as it is the MIDDLE SCHOOL REPORT. So that's why most are focusing on the middle school.
ReplyDeleteAnd "somethimes you should just let things go....really!." HONESTLY??? It's hard for people to just let things go when parents are seeing their children coming home distraught because of this kind of bullshit. I've seen my little brother come home crying because people are picking on him calling him fat and stupid. It's absolutely ridiculous. I've seen him crying because he doesn't want to go to school because of everyone picking on him. It's heartbreaking. And you people saying that others should just get over it are the ones who probably were the bullies and don't give a rats ass about anyone but yourself and your children. PATHETIC. Think of other people rather than just having your head stuck where the sun don't shine.
How many people commenting went to Sac High School back in the days of teachers grabbing kids from their desks, taking them to the hall and slamming them into lockers when they made nasty comments or verbally attacked another student? There weren't parents in the office complaing about that because they expected their kids to behave! Did anyone blame [NAME REMOVED] or [NAME REMOVED] for starting rumors or taking sides? Did they want them fired for "telling it like it is"? Did your parents blame THEM when YOU got into trouble? Now parents are blaming the teachers for a detention...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What are teachers supposed to do? Give them a hug and ask them not to do it again? If my kid made a comment after watching the suffering of millions of human beings, a referral and detention wouldn't come close to the discipline he deserved! This is all so unbelievable..I can't believe this. We need to go back to the good ol days where if you get in trouble at's DOUBLE at home. Do doctors save every life? Do lawyers win every case? Do we honestly expect teachers to "fix" every problem?
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous that posted right above me. I went to school in those days, and as satisfying as it was to watch them get slammed around in the hall, it did not stop them from bullyingg people. Just saying...
ReplyDeleteI have a 8th grader and I myself think that the bullying is bad but I also feel that the 8th grade class as a group shouldn't be judge. If you have 5 or 6 kids doing all this it isn't fair to judge them all with that being said I want to comment of those that say it is the teachers fault, please! With all the new laws and students knowing how easy it is to file a harassment charge against a teacher what do you want from them? The teachers are there to teach, not be a babysitter, they are told as teachers if a student acts up they are to write a referral which may include detention. They are not allowed to yell, call name, touch them in a harsh way or they as teachers will be in trouble. Every student knows they have the upper hand as parents we should be backing our teachers up, instead of being parents that say 'oh not my child' or they are just being picked on we need to be better parents and take control of our kids. A comment was made about how no one is being hurt, stabbed or beaten with in a inch of there life....seriously do we want to wait until that happens, I sure don't. I to have asked my 8th grader what they think of all this, he said kids need to suck it up and deal with it, do I agree with that...NO! I am all for kids being kids but there has to be a line they don't cross. As far as the teachers being a bad influence, come on really? So they stand in the hall and talk, tell me what work place doesn't have some of that going on. I don't believe they are picking on these kids, I don't believe they are in the wrong, I believe they are doing the best they can with what they have, with out the help of parents you can only do so much. I don't think they are a bad bunch of kids I think they know just what they can get by with.
ReplyDeleteMy family is moving to Sac City. I am VERY CONCERNED after reading the above comments. We have a middle-schooler. Believe me, it ISN'T that bad everywhere. Sounds like you have a real mess. My husband and I love the area, and, academically, ESC does pretty well. We are going to have a long talk about where we should send our son to school, now. This has created a huge amount of doubt in our minds.
ReplyDeleteAre there not any "behavior" rules & polices in any of the ESCS Handbooks? What good is it to have parents & students attend open house & sign waviers stating that "they have read & understand" the "rules & policies"? Does this mean that in the middle school passing out reward tickets & winning cookie treats has failed? NO surprise !!! Looks like having district rules, each building & classroom having rules, is a joke. There is NO RESPECT for the faculity, when students know that they can have their parents call & have faculity held accountable for expecting students to follow classroom rules. Remember, time that is wasted on student behavior is taken from students who want to learn. Enough !!!! There IS a problem here when a student's clothing during PE class is put is a toliet & then a group of certain students urinate on them. WAKE UP !!! This is long overdue to be corrected. Yes, students ar to be educated, not only by books, but with the facts of making good choices, if not, then dealing with the consequence, another form of learning. If parents are not teaching these life skills, the school must to ensure the safety & well-being of every student that is sent to ESC to receive an education. Maybe the teachers need to be in their rooms when the bell rings, not standing out in the hall like they do. Teachers may find that alot of issues could be avoided by being proactive & taking charge.
ReplyDeleteas an 8th grader, the only reason people even bully is to defend themselves from getting made fun of. i have experienced it myself. people believe stupid rumors all the time that are not even true. i dont even see why it matters to other people when people do stuff and get into peoples lives and make it a living hell for them. it doesnt even matter it is there chose what they do!!It is not the whole 8th grade harassing people it is a certain group of people that think it is funny when they get in trouble because the teachers do absolutley nothing about it. teachers are going to the high school and telling the kids there that we are bad and we have a gang because we all decided to wear black on the same day for a basketball game WOW!! REALLY?? people just need to stop with all the rumors and grow up!! it is getting really annoying!!!
ReplyDeleteJoining Sac and WLVA huh that was a great idea.. huh? Dumbest thing we as a community did in my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo the student who says "half the stuff people say arnt even true about us", does that mean half the stuff they say IS true? Half is still too much. Someday, you may have a child who experiences the receiving end of this kind of behavior. Then you'll understand. If only you could see it now.
ReplyDeleteOk. So it's out there that there's a problem. It's been explicitly detailed above. Let's stop talking and finger-pointing and start doing. It's going to take ALL OF US as communities to address these issues and to make a difference. Students to stand up and band together and say it's not going to be excepted from their peers, teachers to be vigilant about the behavior of all students and follow the policies set for bullying behavior, administration/counselors to administer fair but consistent consequences, our School Board to support possible harsher punishment for offenders, parents that work with the schools to change or improve their child's behavior at home, local law enforcement, county mental health counselors, local health care.... ALL OF US! Expecting only the school to fix this problem is not reasonable and with summer fast approaching, our children will be "on the loose" soon with even less adult supervision for these behaviors to continue.
ReplyDeleteComment to Anonymous right above me. I AGREE. From every rumor stems some sort of basic simple truth. Everything been said above, being it truth or blow up half truths, now we as parents, communitys and schools controls what will happen in the future. We have some great kids in our schools and some great communities who love and support them. Lets do what is best for everyone and address this issue head on together. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Sit back and watch, or make us a greater school? Don't assume it is not your problem. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, WE ARE ESCO!
ReplyDeleteLet fix this and fix it right as a community!!!!
You cannot fix this problem immediately. No one can control who has sex and when. Sexual behavior and attitude are concepts that only the person who controls them can change and trying to initiate anything on this is a big mistake. The bullying problem is A HUGE PROBLEM, and it must be taken care of. This is what is being discussed here. Not the weird acts of those middle school children. And ultimately, the blame for all of these acts resides in the parents because they are the ones who are supposed to control their children. Parents who aren't doing their job end up creating horrible chidren who do anything and try to get away with everything. If you want to change the system, start with the people who hold the most responsibility instead of going after bratty kids who will not listen.
ReplyDeleteFirst I have to say being allowed to post anything anonymous is crazy, to me it says you don't really believe in your statement being made and if you think about it it shows how easy it is as adults to hide behind something....what is that telling out youth? I read statement after statement blaming and pointing the finger at everyone else but not to many people are saying the truth, these kids and the parents are to blame. We have people saying on here they are thinking twice about putting their children in out schools, that is sad! People say the teachers should be in the rooms when the bell rings instead of in the hall talking, Why because instead of mature teenagers they are dealing with 4 year olds! At 14-15 years old these kids should be able to walk into a classroom and behave. Alot of fingers are being pointed at the teachers, a thought comes to mind....if you had to deal with kids acting out, being rude and thinking they can do what they want when they want 180 some days out of the year and had no help from parents how would you be, sick of it, at the end of your rope?? Woudn't you feel at some point why bother a student gets in trouble and mommy or daddy will get them out of it. My son got a referral for chewing gum, or atleast that is what he thinks, yet it clearly stated that the teacher said if I see anyone chewing gum again I am going to write a referral, so as a parent I don't see oh he is being picked on or jeesh it's just chewing gum, I see it as he out right disrespected and disobeyed his teacher and that is why he got the referral plain and simple. Was there a consequence for this at home, you bet there was! It isn't kids just being kids anymore, they are crossing lines that should never be allowed to cross, when I read kids are peeing on other kids things in what world is that ok and why do these kids think they can do this and that it is funny! And again it is the teachers fault because no one was in there to watch them, please! As a teacher I wouldn't do or say anything cuz if you think about it all it will do in the end is get them a butt chewing from a parent that doesn't like what their child is being accused of doing. Wake up people start holding the kids that are doing this resposible for there own actions because for every finger you point at someone else you have 3 pointing back at yourself!
ReplyDeleteYou typically write in with what I consider to be the most reasoned and well thought out comments of all the regular commenters at this website, and I agree with your point of view in many cases. So keep that in mind when I take issue with you about anonymous comments.
Stephanie, your name may as well be, "Mike" or "Jan" or "Jeb" for all anyone knows.
I appreciate the fact that many people, including me, probably do know who "Stephanie" is, but until you send all of your comments in via a certified email account that I know the person named "Stephanie" is the owner of, and allow everyone reading to see your first and last name, (which I will not allow unless the person claiming to have that name proves it to me or sets up their own blogspot account for the purpose of leaving comments,)you may as well choose anonymous in the drop down comment menu...
Ok, enough with the comments!! All this complaining on the comments are not going to help the problems.So is anyone going to step up and do something about it. I doubt it! It will be the same issues for years to come. Even if you take this to the school board with all the comments, do you really think something will get done. I doubt it, we will just keep commenting on here as problems will still occur. We are all talk and nothing happens!! The school year is almost done, and people WHO want to help solve the bullying, will forget about it!! Tell me I'm wrong!! I guess we will see at the beginning of the new school year huh!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe if you people really have something to say bad about our class and saying were a "sex fest" you should post your names. Not anonymous. If you have something to say then say it. If you want to complain about the bullying then y u doing it on a sac news blog? we have been called gay by teachers. They tell high school teachers were a gang and were really bad! wheres the highschool and elementary fit into this? Have they never done a single thing wrong? the "group", clearly stated by many, is getting judged by a couple of harassments. big deal, the kids who filed it made fun of us too. But instead of being little girls and telling like they did we made fun of them back. If you aren't in the school then you don't know what goes on. There's nine months in a school year weve had a couple of harassments. do the math. one every four and a half months? big deal people that believe everything u hear r just as bad as the "group"..and then putting anonymous just makes it look like you don't believe in what ur saying
ReplyDeleteI am the parent of 2 Middle School students and I think we need to focus a little more attention on the children who are behaving in a manner that we can be proud of. We have MANY outstanding students in the Middle School and at ESC. Has anyone thought that maybe we should encourage these children and pay some attention to them also? This whole blog has focused on the negative and I understand that there is a problem that needs to be dealt with but really, we need to turn this around starting right here. Have you seen a child that you are proud of lately? I bet you have. In church, at the grocery store, playing outside, and yes, even at school. What did they do that made you proud? Even the little things need to get noticed. Right now, these "bullies" are getting exactly what they want and more than likely need - attention. Obviously they are doing these things because they lack positive attention. This is where it needs to start. Post something that a child has done that impressed you in the last week.
ReplyDeleteWow...alot being said about this HORRIBLE 8th grade class. It was referenced how easy it is to file a harassment charge. Yes it is. Get one buddy to say "so and so" called me (Fill in your own comment) and the accused will be found guilty of harassment because he can't defend himself/herself or if he/she does they are told they aren't a "Credible Witness". Others referenced respect of others and teachers. The problem is most teachers and administration DO NOT RESPECT the students, only the few "pets" they have. Guess what? These 8th graders are a smart bunch of kids, they see what is going on. Do you really think they are going to show respect when they aren't being respected? Teachers have made comments to this 8th grade class to the effect of "Wait until you get in high school, you'll get taken care of." That is really professional of you...and you know who you are.(And there is more than one of you!!!) Shame, shame. Respect?
ReplyDeleteI find it with great relief the school year is winding down and these 8th graders will be in high school. The only problem with that is most of our current pool of Middle School Teachers have opened their mouths and trashed this class to the high school teachers.It is great to have a place where I can anonymously post a comment like this, since I own my own business in Lakeview and don't want to be punished for my point of view. And to those concerned about enrolling their chldren in ESC, things aren't that bad, new administration, new views.
Very angry person
ReplyDeleteHey person who made the comment about the snowmobiles. It's sick. There was a frost all over the snowmobiles. Yes. I was there. These kids didn't do diddily squat to the kids that performed this sick task. They did it cause they thought it was humorous. If an adult made that comment you are cleary a parent of them possibly? Your children arn't perfect. I've bullied a little myself like everyone else in this world but not even close to the extreme of these inmature 8th graders.
As a teacher in the district, it is hard to read some of these comments.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I would like to say that our students are not having sex between class periods or at school. I believe we would be able to identify that in the hallways if we see it.
Secondly, if your children are having sex at any age, it is YOUR job as a parent to know what your kids are doing and who they are hanging out with when not in school. That is YOUR job, not ours. Our job is to educated your children so they can be successful, productive citizens. We need your help and support, so please step up to the plate and be parents. Stop the sex talk, it's not a school issue.
Our MS needs an effective policy for discipline and then an administrator to carry out the policy. What we are doing doesn't work. It makes it hard to teach and I would imaging hard for the kids not causing trouble to attend school. Kids that used to like school now don't and that is sad. Teachers that like to teach, now don't and that is sad too. We need to turn this building around!
PS. Allowing anonymous posts is just plain dumb.
What would happen if we attend a school board meeting and report the teacher that watches [LINE REMOVED], and the one student that we know of that causes the most trouble in class [LINE REMOVED]? Would anyone listen? Will it make it so difficult for our child that they won't be able to go to school anymore? Maybe this is why things are not brought up. Maybe camera's should be put up in every classroom and the halls. Maybe then everyone would know what is really happening.
ReplyDeleteI went to high school in sac city and graduated a ... I went to high school in sac city and graduated a few years ago, and was one of the kids bullied. I know what they go through. I did think of suiside, or ways to get revenge and believe me when I say calling some one fat or a fag or what ever, over and over and over again does have an effect on you the rest of your life. And don't say grow up cuz unless you are in their shoes you have no idea what that kid is going through. It does happen every where and at all ages. Trust me I know. The teachers do play a part in it but they can't be everywhere at once. They aren't standing in the bathroom between classes when a kid punches you in the arm so hard you think its broke. Or in the locker room when you are the first one in there so you can be first out so you don't get beat up. Or avoid all social activities just so no one can hurt you. Do don't tell me to grow up or that I'm bein a baby. Do you like physical pain every time someone isn't looking?? And just to let you parents know... just because your son/daughter is a 4.0, on every team that they can be on, and have a name and money doesn't mean that they arent the me I know..Parents need to open their eyes!!! Your child may not be mr/ms perfect!!! Teachers WAKE UP quit with the favorism!! Just cuz they are great at basketball or football doesn't mean they should be treated any different...but they are!! And IF a child comes up to you and says they are being bullied..believe them its a cry for help. If any sees or hears of any kind of abuse I should hope to god they do something about it, if not it is just as bad as you beating that child your self, or eating the food someone spit in, or cleaning the feces out of your locker, or having the birthday money your grandma gave you stolen! Come on People have a heart!! WAKE UP!!
ReplyDeleteHere is a thought maybe its time to repeal child labor laws if they are not wanting to learn and being a burden on the tax payer. They can start supporting their existance. Education is not a right, nor should tax payers invest in a losing situation. Sounds to me like PARENTS need to handle their obligations as a parent not horse around and dump their offspring on the system. These kids think the are entitled to everything and responsible for nothing. Wow we as a society have failed.
ReplyDeleteThese kids are going to be very successful in life. They are very smart and very good at sports. You really think these comments make them happy? Well no, but people should be focused on some of the things that they do. They represent our school very well in sports. and if your going to say something mean about them and call them pathedic?..would you put your name??
ReplyDeletewow. everyone that comments on here should use there name. if ur o scared to use ur name then dont comment on this! everyone needs to shut up bout the middle school u guys arnt there? are u? and the whole peeing on the clothes in the toilet well all i got to say yes i was mean but the kids who get bullied dont really care. they put it on them selfs! we have a few kids in that dont take showers come on how hard is it to take 15 minutes out of ur life so u can smell good?! everyone should shower. it NOT THAT HARD!!!! im not going to say that im not a bully cause i have bullied a few kids but i mean who hasnt? even the kids that get bullied bully kids!!!... STOP judging the 8th grade class. if u guys had a life u would stop talking bout ours! thanks fer ur time:)
ReplyDeleteLet's eliminate middle school and just send children to high school after 4th grade. That seems like it would eliminate the idea of "nasty middle schoolers"
ReplyDeleteSome of the posters on here should learn to spell and how to use correct grammar...then perhaps they wouldn't have time to bully anyone. That being said, NO I don't remember doing these things when I was in middle school, and I hate to think that this is acceptable behavior now.
ReplyDeleteReading these comments really makes think back when I went to school here from elementary thru high school and was bullyed and harrassed. It didn't get done to me as badly then as now a days but I had names thrown at me that were very hurtful, had nasty notes put into my locker and had rotten food put into my locker I tried suicide or thought about it many times. "NO one cared about me so why live" is what went thru my brain. I had a child in the school system and took my child out because my child was getting it done 3-4 times worse. When I open enrolled my child into another school district my child had more friends in one day than 4 or more years at sac. I would love to tell you which middle school kids they were that did the bullying but I won't. It is sad when these kids and not all only about a handful are getting away with this kind of treatment to other kids. One comment that was made in an earlier comment was to expel them maybe if that was to happen and the parents were there to see it happen eyes would be opened. Anyway something needs to be done or someone will get hurt or even killed.
ReplyDeleteLike it was stated earlier, you can post all you want, but that doesn't make it go away. No, I dod not personally now the 8th grade call, but I do have kids in middle school and would not stand for them acting that way. Does it matter if you now them?! I know that rumors can go around, but if even half the stuff that gets said is true, that is to much. As for the school solving the problem, until we, as parents stand up and stand behind them instead of "buying" your kids way out of trouble, there isnot a thing they can do. I would really like to see law enforcement get involved. If your kids miss to much school, as a parent you can be held accountable, why not for harrassment and bulling as well.
ReplyDeleteThis is where it's headed if nothing is done about bullying. Do we really want children being nearly killed or committing suicide to escape it?
After reading some of these posts, I am more concerned about our 8th graders writing and grammar than I am anything else.
ReplyDeleteIf the 8 graders actually think the high schoolers are afraid of them, well we will just show how "afraid" we really are next year, we KNOW what they do some have lived through it, but no i dont blame the kids, or the teachers, i blame THE PARENTS, you think your kids are "angels", they are probably tormenting somebody right now, and the "ur fat whats so bad about that" it might not be bad if it is said once but when a person hears it everyday of the ENTIRE school year, it is bad, not to mention i have seen and heard them do WAY worst. the teachers are trying and i think they are doing a good job, but you parents, huh if "parents" were a career you would be FIRED. they will never change, they are not good, and they will with out a doubt go to jail, get into drugs and go no where if they havent already, or end up getting getting shot by some kid they bullied and yes i have heard a 8 grade bully say "you life isnt worth our time". For the administration my advice: take away sports it is the ONLY thing they have besides bullying.
ReplyDeleteoh my god it is not just middle schoolers.. it is NOT JUST THE 8TH GRADE it is every where in the united states ppl you really need to open your eyes and look. it happens in cities, town everywhere you can't control it there will always be a bully around you. I bet over half the people that comment use to bully someone, If you make fun of someone ever and you say that is not bulling... well IT IS so it is not just our middle school and you cant go around blamming people... think about it!
ReplyDeleteWOW well everybody has made fun of someone in there lifes.... so dont go blamming the middle schoolers... mainly the 8th graders.... I bet alot of the people that have commented on this have bullied someone or have made fun of someone... and if so don't ypu think this is how the people you made fun of when you were younger felt.... this goes on EVERYWHERE not just the middle school. it happens in AMERICA!! so dont say it is just the middle school and seiously don't blame it on certain people
ReplyDeleteTo the Lake View business owner who believes the problem is teachers not showing the MS students must be joking. The CHILDREN are there to learn and respect authority. It is parents with this perspective that are not helping to solve the problems. You are correct though, these MS students are smart alright! They know exactly how to work a school system that has been hamstrung and unable to give the punishments that are deserved by these unruly kids. As someone who has to employ and manage people, it concerns me that these children are going to be out looking for jobs someday soon and it will then be their employer's problem to try to deal with these attitude issues. I won't give them referrals or listen to their parents whine, they simply won't be employable.
ReplyDeleteNatalie Mandernach
Maybe it is because this is being posted on a blog. This isn't language arts.
ReplyDeleteIts been almost 40 years since I have graduated, and things are still the same. I think I was born fat, made fun of all through school, if you don't believe it you should read my yearbooks. Even to this day I am made fun of for being over weight mostly by other adults. It is ok I have gotten used to it over the years and have learned to turn the other cheek. You see in school you have the preps or jocks, stoners, geeks, or nobody's. I always considered myself a nobody. But after you graduate you realize their is no difference. You still have those that make fun of everyone. Ask yourself this question. Have you ever looked at someone and said something about them being over weight, orrr if they have a big nose, bad complexion, nice hair, bad hair, no hair even if its a lose because of cancer treatments. Someone that is to skinny? Is there such a thing???? How about someone who is missing a limb, having a big butt, walks crippled, can't read or write, someone with a low IQ, poor??? This list could go on and on. But guess what? God loves us all no matter how we look, or how smart we are. So the next time you look at someone and want to say something about them, take a minute and THINK! What if that was me? What if it was my child, or grandchild, or my best friend. Maybe your mouth will stay shut. It is not just the 8th grade people. It is everyone! Let us all set an example to our children and to others and just maybe our school and our community will change for the better.
ReplyDeleteI agree bullying is a problem at all levels in school and that parents need to take a more active role with their kids to prevent this. I also believe some parents are nieve while others want to take no active role in preventing their child from bullying. Middle school is hard for teenagers. They want to be accepted and many kids will follow a bully to prevent themselves from being bullied. I do believe the teachers and administration must take an active role to prevent bullying. Most teachers and the administration know who the bullys are, but churn the other cheek. Maybe we need every kid in school to participate in a bullying survey and to narrow down the "Bad Apples". It is a way to confirm suspicion. The administration then needs to follow up with the "Bad Apple" list and confront parents and kids to explain this is NOT acceptable and explain the concequences. NO kid should be bullied. NO kid should live in fear. NO kid should be depressed. The percussions of being bullied affect many the rest of his life. BULLYING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!
ReplyDeleteI commented earlier as. "Very angry person" That's because these people did actually urinate on my snowmobiles and my friend's. Inmature.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is the 8th graders didn't urinate on your little snowmobiles. The person who supposedly payed younger kids to do it doesn't even hang out with the group of kids who is getting blamed for all the harassment!
ReplyDeleteIsn't the real issue how are we going to address the problem not argue about faults? Parents are not going to change cause they have no reason to or have nothing to lose. If their kids are doing it now do they really care? They have let it go so far.
ReplyDeleteTo all those defending the act with "we all have done it" maybe so but looking back do we regret it you bet your a** we do.
To the middle schooler's doing and complaining we are upset: this is a time to shut it. You need the attitude adjustment.
So i challenge those who are here to start using this as a tool to create solutions. Less bitch more action.
there was kids that did urinate on the snowmobiles though. I went and saw the snowmobile and there was dry urine all over it. and it is still very wrong for them to be vandalizing other people property.
ReplyDeleteIs there a problem with bullying in the schools? YES! Are the only ones doing the bullying athletes? NO! Most everyone's comments like to mention taking away sports from these kids. Okay. Assumptions are being made to this regard and they are wrong. OTHERS are involved with bullying, plain and simple. Children out for band, choir and any other activity are also involved, so let's not just single out and punish the athletes.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is alot of parents have taught their children not to be narcs, so if something is said to them, they just let it roll off their shoulders and don't go running to file harassment charges. Maybe it's shame on them. Who knows? Other parents have said "If something is said to you, go tell the principal." Is this always the correct way to deal with a situation? Who knows?
To all those condemming the 8th grade class, Jesus has taught us, "Those without sin can cast the first stone." You must have one helluva rockpile.
Excuse me people. After reading the supposed 8th grade comments, I gotta confirm my belief that the 8th graders are stuck up runts. I never usually say that, but it is okay to apply here. To the people who said everyone bullies, I say that I have never bullied. I treat everyone equally and feel no need to degrade people except for this comment. You cannot treat people differently or attempt to ruin their lives because of who they are. They may bring it on, but you can take the high road and tell them to act normal instead of tormenting them into it. This is going to cause several problems down the line. Just look at half the people in Sac. Its because of the 8th grader's attitude that therapy is necessary in life. I am not saying that you kids are a sex fest, I am saying that your behavior is unaccepatable and will not be tolerated in high school. I will not be here next year, but there are several others who will be, and all of these people feel the same way. These people will not use words and will resort to actions and will put you kids in your place. Your high and mighty attitudes will be brought down to Earth. My point is that the middle schoolers are not better than anyone else, so they should not act as such.
ReplyDeleteThe group of 8th graders who everyone is refering to have earned their reputation and at some point need to be held accountable along with their parents. Since they (at least 4 of them) have been found guilty for harrassment by the court of law I do not think the excuse the teachers and administration are picking on them holds water. I also want to point out that is the same group that is involved with the sexual activity that has been brought up.
ReplyDeleteWhat I DO NOT want to happen is that our whole district is judged by a few indiviudals. I have 2 kids in Middle school one of which had a few issues with these kids. We told them to kick the S*** out of them point blank. I then proceeded to call Mr. Olhausen to let him know what our instructions were to our child. Mr Olhausen was awesome and just asked if he could try to deal with the situation before it reached that point. We don't know what Mr. O did or said and there has been know more issues since.
I think it is sad that people are blaming the teachers and administration. Just read all of the posts, some say they are picking on the kids others are saying that they are ignoring it. For God sakes they are damned if the do damned if they don't.
REALITY is the PARENTS are responsible for their childs actions either sexually related or bullying. Instead of defending the teachers and admistration they are blaming them and letting their kids LIE LIE LIE to everyone.
Teachers are there to TEACH skills and parents are to raise kids to be honest and have good morals. I for one want it this way. We cannot expect teachers and admistration to follow policy and discipline students without follow through at home.
For those of you that were thinking about coming to East Sac and are having second thoughts, SEND THEM, keep involved and do not be afraid to keep in touch with the teachers and stay involved with your kids.
My three kids are getting a GREAT education and LOVE being in school and so will yours!
PS for the person who commented on sharing was the cause of all this- you don't know what you are talking about! The cause is individuals have kids that don't want to take the time to raise them!
The worst part about this entire situation is those who have been bulling others don't even feel guilty or bad about making others lives a living hell. Maybe instead of defending and making themselves sound and look extemely ridiculous on this blog the middle schoolers should be apologizing for all the terrible things they have done to their OWN classmates and peers.
ReplyDeleteHere are the facts last year the Middle School had 40 harrasment cases. I saw bullying everywhere when i was there and now i hear we have the most in the state. Now that i am in high school though i DONT see it, the thought that they might mature in High School well i guess it is a possibility, but i doubt it. My advice: to the 8 greaders GROW UP, to the parents; realize your kids are NOT angels they do do things bad, and to the teachers; TAKE AWAY SPORTS, if we are going to teach them a lesson, hit them where it hurts!
ReplyDeleteHey person who commented "anonymous". Use your real name and quit hiding behind a screen and speak up. And harrassment? I never went and told on anyone. People found out. You know how they found out? All you retards went around and were talking about it instead of being smart and keeping your mouth shut.
ReplyDeleteWho are you to judge those who can't take time to shower? Maybe they have a bad home life. No one deserves to be bullied and yes, they will remember. ...The problem here is lack of respect for others, themselves, and authority. I'm a high school senior and I see/hear what this "8th grade" class does. I sure as heck didn't act like that and still don't. And it sucks that certain actions have to ruin the reputation of an entire class because no, these kids aren't bad people.
ReplyDeleteMegan Snyder
WOW. I wonder if this is what a witch hunt was like in the late 1600's. By reading most of these postings you would think that these eight graders are the worst kids in the history of all middle schools. And everybody just keeps piling on. As someone who has been around most of these kids since infancy I think I know a lot of them fairly well. I do believe collectively they are probably the most competitive group to come thru our school in a long time; both boys and girls. Is that so bad? I am pretty sure the eight grade girls have never been beaten in track. I also know the girls went all year without a league loss in basketball. Volleyball is another sport they excel in. The boy's teams also excel in extracurricular activities. In two years of football they have only lost to one team. The boys also went undefeated in basketball in league play this past year. The middle school also does an excellent job in band and music. I also think it would be a pretty safe bet that there are more eight graders that make the honor roll than any other class. This tells me they must be doing something right. There are no hidden sex orgies in the broom closet. There is not an alcohol problem nor is there a drug problem in our middle school. Unfortunately I hear that is not the case in some of our surrounding schools. Overall this group of kids do a pretty good job of getting along and working together as you can tell by their extracurricular and their academic success. I for one would be proud to have any one of these kids for my daughter or son.
ReplyDeletewhat does sports have to do with the bulling and harrassment the 8th graders are a part of? and how does being good at sports and being competitve excuse this behavior? you have got to be kidding me!!!
ReplyDeleteAlright this is enough! It's a bunch of bull crap that a lot of people are blaming this all on one group of people in thier posts.Everyone needs to grow up and everyone needs to take responsiblity for what is going on, the students, teachers, administration, and parents alike! In some senses this has been blown out of proportion but in another sense no it has not. I mean seriously has no one picked up or looked at a magazine lately. It seems like everyday I hear about a middle school or high school student somewhere killing themselves because "bullies" in their school have taken things to a whole new level. You may not know what it feels like to be bullied (I'm assuming most do though) but to some people it's the worst thing in the world. Seriously if you had someone calling you a whore or a fag everyday (non jokingly) just to make you feel bad about yourself, it would eventualy get to you. Yes, i agree that bullying and harrasment is a part of life but when is enough enough?? Students should not have to be afraid to come to school on a daily basis. If you are joking with a student make sure you let them know because there is a difference! Yes, I admit i have "joked" with people but i always make sure they know it and I am honestly ashamed of that but it's become a part of todays socity (joking) and something I just happened to pick up (I'm working on stopping) keep in mind I'm not doing it to hurt peoples feelings or make them feel bad about themselves. Another thing is the fact that one class is being blamed as a whole. I personaly know that the WHOLE class is not terrible it's the select students who get a rise out of being nasty and mean or the ones who think it's "cool" to make fun of people and make them cry. Seriously, I would love to know waht is soo funny or "cool" to make someone cry. Yes, everyone is judged or judges someone at sometime but that doesnt mean you have to make a big deal out of it. It wasnt too long ago that I myself was in middle school at WLVA and I know for a fact that when I was that age the bullying was not that horrific. It's appaling to hear what some students are saying and doing to other people. I guess they don't understand the significance of what they're doing. Yeah, filling our a harassment form might not get you far in life but if you cant out smart of win against a bully what other way do you have to stick up for yourself and what you believe is right??? What are these students supposed to just sit in a corrner the rest of thier school career and just cope with what they're going through?? So the way i take that is that it's ok for the bully to get away with something wrong but it's not ok for the person being bullied to stand up for themselves? Yeah, pretty sure thats not right at all what so ever. Pretty sure that everyone needs to work together not only to stop the bullying but to make the students understand that it's deffinately not okay to make poeple feel that terrible about themselves because you dont know what their life might be like, you dont know whether or not they are ready feel bad about the "mistakes" they've made. Don't just put a lable on someone because of what they've done or said. I know personly that this is easier said than done, but atleast give it a try. JUST TRY TO STOP PLEASE!! READ THE NEXT POST FOR MORE :)
ReplyDeleteAs for the sex issue. I don't care what age they are or what age they almost are at not time is it appropriate to have sex or engage is sexual activity in school theres a time and place for everything but school is not for this. I mean HELLO WAKE UP! do they not know what sex leads to? I'm not trying to be some ant-sex holy person because that's not who I am but seriously if you want to have sex do it on your own time in private. I'm pretty sure that not to many places in the school building are "private" and i know that last thing i want to do is walk in on someone having sex when all i want to do is go to the bathroom! All kids will be curious and thats fine but atleast be curious at home or somewhere elses!
ReplyDeleteNext topic. everyone says that "oh they'll change when they get to high school" I have a feeling you're wrong because I know for a fact that several students in the middle school have tried to start "drama" witht he high schoolers and that they've said that the high shcoolers are "afraid" of them (as previously posted) but here's a little wake up call no one is afraid.
Now i know that people can change if they want to and they put their mind to it.
One last the whole snowmobile thing is absolutely ridiculous!!! Why? who deserves to recieve such disrespect! I don't care what they did or who paid who! That was plain disrespectful dispite no one or nothing being hurt or broken!!! If you want to act like that go back to elementary and learn you manners all over agian! And yes I agree with the fact that there is harassment going on in elementary and that is very saddening! I believe though, if there is a stop put to it at this time the problem will be much eair to get a handle on! Thats the end of my liitle rant I apoligize if i offended anyone and also for my grammar and spelling.
Have a nice day! :)
Shawna W. ESC JR.
I'm going to play the devil's advocate here. Everyone is trying to protect their children, that in itself is sensible and noble. That's all fine and dandy, but what happens when your precious snowflakes graduate East Sac? What happens when the guardian factor is eliminated?
ReplyDeleteHow is your child going to react when when the same shit happens outside the school? Oh no! No one to run to and complain to! So now what happens? The way the current mentality suggests is that they let the administration know and it will be "dealt" with.
This will only lead to the same bullying antics. What the parents should be preaching are more proactive steps. Like how to stand up for yourself and not be a complete weenie. This world is full of sadists and ilk, and a little assertive attitude goes further than just tolerating them. They say bullies are cowards due to their own deficiencies and attempt to project their shortcomings on others. That is most likely true in some cases, so let them know you mean business. Stand up for yourself and they will likely move on to other things. Unfortunately, in this school system, that will land you in detention or in school suspension. At least you can rest easier and know that you took a stand.
Now this next paragraph is going to sound incredulous to the majority. Bullies are great teachers. They teach you, like I mentioned before, how to take a stand. This doesn't always have to end in physical confrontation, sometimes verbalizing your feelings can work. Most of the bullies aren't the blind, unfeeling pricks you make them out to be. If you aren't the most physically capable fellow, there are still options. Mental subversion is also a skill a bully can teach. Let your words and knowledge be your muscle. Appeal to their interests and personality. Sometimes a little kindness can even go a long ways, perhaps the only reason this particular bully does what he does is due to his longing for social interaction/friends.
There will come a time in your life when there will be nowhere to run and hide. Have courage and faith in yourself, friends. The bullying stops with you.
Yeah, the teachers and administration do a great job. My child went to report a problem to the administration and was told "I'll believe this person before I believe what you are telling me." Little good this did. What court of law convicted 4 8th graders? Get your facts straight sister!
ReplyDeleteHey Mark. Isn't calling somebody a retard harassment?
ReplyDeleteI Spent my entire elementry/middle school career being bullied. As of right now i am a senior in high school. Ready to move on past anything that occured in my school years. After going through years of being bullied, i became a bully. It all depends on popularity. If your a cool kid in the cool crowd, but dont get bullied, then you will just sit back and watch it all happen, maybe say a coupld things here and there to make it look like you help alot, but you dont. If your an unpopular kid, that the "incrowd" doesn't like, then you will become a bully yourself. My senior class was bad as an 8th grade class, in a different way. They are not the exact same, but similar, and i'm sure every class before us had their similarities. It's not all on you parents, or you teachers, the responsibility relies on all the students. Once these 8th graders get to high school, i'm sure you won't blame them as much as you do now. ;)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletewhat does sports have to do with the bulling and harrassment the 8th graders are a part of? and how does being good at sports and being competitve excuse this behavior? you have got to be kidding me!!! (Spell checker anyone?)
Obviously this comment is coming from someone who never participated in sports. I agree with the sports analogy from the comments up a few post.
You learn how to get along with your teammates. You learn how to make your teammates better. You learn how to take instructions from someone in charge. You learn dedication and perseverance. You learn how to handle disappointment and how to handle success. Most importantly you learn life is not always fair, mommy is not always going to be there to fight your battles for you.
My daughter, now one year out of school, was terribly harrassed by a younger girl at school. As a parent of five, I've learned to listen but allow the kids to work it out. Most times this works.. But when the school got involved, I realized my child was suffering. I felt the bully girl had severe problems and hoped that her parents and the school would deal with this emotional problem. Therefore, I did not press charges. I have sinced learned that this was not her first offense and she has continued to do this. I feel her mother, who I might add, NEVER called us with an apology, thinks her daughter is normal and it is everyone elses problem. This child was 16 when her cruelness affected my child. Can you image what she will be like in five years. I have felt very guilty for not taking this problem more seriously and charging this bully bitch with any charge available. It has had lasting effects on my child. Thank you for the opportunity to vent. I feel we have to get aggressive with this type of behavior. I would print my name but I have one more daughter that is in school with this insane witch.
ReplyDeleteThis is getting a bit overboard. NOT THE ENTIRE 8th GRADE CLASS IS INVOLVED. So why continue to group them. I have to say that I am glad that my daughter is an 8th grader. Not one of these kids in this class would let anything happen to her. In "real" life she deals with the struggles she was born with. These kids take the extra time to help her when she needs it and would do anything for her. Yes there are problems within the school, but STOP BLAMING IT ALL ON JUST THIS CLASS. I happen to believe that every one of these kids will succeed very well in life.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all if you want to talk about putting your name maybe you should put your full name instead of your last. I think it is hilarious that all they get praise for is their sports. Sorry but I hate to burst all your little bubbles but everyone is good at sports in middle school. My class was undefeated in softball and basketball and excelled in track as well. And just because they are "athletic" then that makes it okay to push people around? WRONG. These kids can’t handle any authority at all and it’s pathetic. I hate when people think they need to make crude little comments towards people just too make themselves feel better about their own self. Grow up. You will learn as soon as you get into high school that there will be people that won’t take your crap and will knock you down. Oh and to answer your question about do we know you? No not personally. But when word gets around to the high school about these so called "rumors" what else are we supposed to think? Like the speaker said yesterday. Its not about who knows you anymore, it’s about who you respect. By the sounds of it, it seems like giving others respect is something that you have little interest in. Another thing that is funny is that the 8 grade thinks the high schooler's are scared of them. Are you kidding me? They will all learn next year what people think of them and they will quickly learn their place. When I was their age I never though twice about mouthing off to an upperclassmen, it’s just something you don't do. Its sad how maybe 10 or 20 kids can ruin the reputation for a whole class of 80. I’m positive there are kids that respect their teachers and peers in that class, and it’s terrible that those others ruin it for you. Sorry to put you into reality but next year this crap will not be tolerated and you will get in trouble. And for those who think it’s a great idea to take away their sports I agree. Take something away that they actually care about, and not only one game either, take away a whole season. They will learn eventually.
ReplyDeleteSenior- Haylee Scheffler
I agree with what shawna said all the way! I also think that the middle schoolers need to no that there is more in life then making someone whos "not as cool as you" feel bad by calling them names. It may be funny to the person who is doing it and to their friends but to the person that is getting called those names it could hurt them for the rest of their lives. I deffinatly know what it feels like to be made fun of and its not nice. PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES. It would be very nice if the middle schoolers could learn to be nice and get along with everyone no matter who they are before they get to high school or they are going to have some rude awakenings. Everyone really just needs to focus on school so they can go somewhere in life and bullying will not get you anywhere. High school is way more fun if there is no drama. So lets please all either get along or keep our comments to ourselfs. Thanks!!
ok peoples this is just stupid ok? kids r gonna get bullied. who reading this has ever been bullied in skool? wat did u do about it? NOTHING how can u now go on here when ur not "emotionally unstable" and say this stuff when some of u dont even have kids? ur just lowlifes trying to make up for your own lives by degrading others isnt that a type of bullying? i mean come on these kids with worse upbringings r the problem? THATS BULLYING right there so ur a bunch of hypocrites who shouldnt be allowed on a computer let alone be able to type on smart think before posting not that difficult....think about it ok?
ReplyDeleteI am SICK and tired of people defending the ENTIRE grade i will admit that not EVERY kid does it, but the kids that do do it, are TERRIBLE they are nasty, mean, and have no respect for anyone, and THEY gave there class a bad name. i do have friends in the 8 grade, but the ones that are bullies are so bad, that i would rather have them all stay back and never see the ones that are ok then to spend one day with those over cocky bullies of the 8 grade. also for the people who think there is no problem, if you lived the life as one of the "not cool people" for even one day you would change your mind. The boys that think they are high and mighty will torment you verbally and physically and the girls huh, last year they had a game and it was choose one person and see how many times they could make them cry in one week. i have seen this, i have heard this, and i have experienced this, and if you don't believe me about the game just ask some 8 grade girls.
ReplyDeleteThe middle school issue has gone too far. We all know who is to blame for these issues, (At least whom mostly to blame). THE PARENTS! Children learn what they live. Children that are arrogant learn that from their parents. Who urinates in a gas tank or engages in sexual activities IN SCHOOL?! Something is wrong with our middle school. East Sac County School is developing a bad reputation for their disciplinary issues when the faculty cannot control the activities that go on in the school! I will admit that some of the teachers need to develop a stronger form of discipline. I know physical punishment is not allowed anymore, but make them do hard manual labor! I know a teacher in the middle school who makes troublesome students scrub toilets! I see nothing wrong with this. I don't know if some of the older people reading these posts remember when they were in school in the 60s and 70s. If you so much as chewed your fingernails in P.E., a ruler would be slammed into your fingernails. Hmm....I can't help but wonder how many problems would be eradicated if a different form a discipline was enacted. PARENTS: You may want to beleive that your children are angels. Some are......others...not so much. I'm a junior in high school, luckily my parents do not have to worry about petty discipline issues similar to what were dealing with today, but if a call ever came home from school and I was involved in a "negative" way, I was GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT! This is the problem today.. parents are backing their students even when their students ARE wrong! What is this teaching the younger generation?
ReplyDeleteThe bully issues at schools need to stop. When I was in elementary and middle school, bullying was never a big issue. I've seen the effects of what bullying can do to one's self-esteem, and let me tell you...would you like to be the person blamed for a student taking their own life? You would have to live with that the rest of your LIFE! I don't think anyone in our school system is suicidal yet, but if it continues without any changes...this becomes a possibility. How much longer will we go on with sex in the bathrooms or urinating in a gas tank before the adults in our communities realize that the kids were the ones at fault, and NOT I repeat NOT the teachers!!!!!!!!. History repeats itself and just remember kids at Columbine or other schools across the nations when troubled resort to violence to take out their anger. Just as most Americans rely on the government to solve EVERY problem, we cannot rely soley on our school administrators to discipline our kids. The government nor school administrators can solve our every problem! Open your eyes everybody...We have a SERIOUS problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
I am someone that gets bullied in school. Im called a fag. I used to tell on alot of people and when I did that, it just made things worse. My opinion on this bullying thing in our school should be taken care of. Would you like to go to school everyday and constantly be called a fag or other sick body parts. And next year should be a good year with this new superintedent and the 8th graders in high school. We always got taught to think before you say it. TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. for petes sake. IT DOESNT WORK!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletenow sitting here reading these comments im kinda laughing this is blown so far out of proportion its assnine Im a middle schooler (notice how i put my real name) ok im an 8th grader and trust theres only maybe 2-4 at the most people who are "bullied" more than i am its not that bad and i garantee none of you parents are theres because guess what them like me don't care so either some of you are lying or sorry to say your children are wusses dont get me wrong i bet they do get teased but not as bad as you guys are portraying and about the sex between classes thing REALLY PEOPLE REALLY trust me thats not happening at all noone even kisses between classes in the middle school couldnt tell you bout the high school and by the way its not just 8th graders i bet 5th and 6th alone or worse than us my sister comes home almost every day and tells me about a fight in the 5th or 6th grades i dont know if this is true im not saying it is but we dont have nears as many fights as we see happen and also "blum" (as if i dont know who you are) you dont not have a single person in your class that doesnt take showers and ik that im probly one of the people your reffering too ya i do take showers you can say i dont till your blue in the face but its a lie and you think that the teachers are lookin at porn aw hell no like..when would they have time too do that also the teachers accounts are admin limited when it comes to blocked sites they have the same limits even in their free periods if there not in there rooms which kids are in there nowhere where they can get on a computer long enough its just not happening you wanna talk to me go ahead anytime idc i wanna know what you think of this and also high schoolers someone said if we think your afraid of us we dont but just know we arent afraid of you and also i think someone also said were poping pills and doin drugs in the bathroom ya we are nothing gets past you (idiots) do we really look high in class really thats the farthest thing from what were doing we are doing what bathrooms were intended for going to the bathroom honestly where do you people come up with this its funny
ReplyDeleteI am not ok with the pictures that are posted on facebook of the poor child who was beaten up today. That is absolutely ridiculus! I just had an incident at soccer practice tonight and had to stop middle school bullying whole I was TRYING to coach my team. NOT happy about it!!!
ReplyDeleteFor clarity to Stephanie's post above, the child shown in the photos was not beaten up at school according to someone who posted a comment on those FB photos.
ReplyDeleteI am encouraged by Brent Drey's well-written comments...some people do get it. Teachers and administrators do not go to college to learn how to be cops, nor should they have to. Parents took the authority to discipline children away from teachers and administrators a long time ago. Schools should at least be able to expect parents are sending kids to school who are ready and willing to learn instead of coming to school to torture other kids and smart off to the teachers and staff.
Parents, instead of complaining about the school not doing their job, you should be doing yours as a parent. Solve the problem at home where it started.
Natalie Mandernach
Stephaine...I hope you talked to the parents...they ABSOLUTELY must get involved, if at school or the playground or main street wherever...get those parents involved. The next step would/should be the police!
ReplyDeletestephanie-i am a soccer coach for a middle school team and I want to know if it was my team involved with the bullying going on at practice. was it in auburn or sac that this was going on? please let me know as a coach, i will take care of it
ReplyDeleteStephanie...Why are you not ok with the pictures being posted on the website? It's graphic, I will give you that. But it is simply an example of how out of control this bullying issue is getting. I for one know the victim, and his family, and think there is nothing wrong to SHOW people that want to turn a blind eye or downplay the seriousness of it that this is happening. Criminal charges need to start being pressed against every issue. Maybe a few months in a juvi hall for a few of these little pricks is what it will take.